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OLTL Discussion: Week of January 7th

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Another fab episode as always. So glad Marcie released Viki, and I hope this finally ends soon. Loved everyone watching it all back in Llanview, and it looks like Viki confronts Gigi tomorrow. :D

As for Gary writing, it looks like, based on spoilers, for awhile he may be following an outline of Ron's, although I wouldn't know.

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WOW...another great show today. I am loving this, it turned out better than I thought it would, but I know its because Viki was thrown in the middle. Marcie has totally lost it, I can't believe that she thought Viki was faking and then she refused to let anyone get Viki's meds. God, Viki was right, she's one selfish woman.

I am loving NuMichael, and I didn't know if I would.

Still shaking my head at the fact that Viki's family excluding Todd is still SITTING on their duffs, wondering why she's down there and what she's doing. Gosh, I so want Viki to tell them because she couldn't stand her life in Llanview because everyone was always pulling her this way and that way and she needed a break from them all. I'm not liking those kids or Clint very much right now.

I like Jared. I can't help it. I just do. LOL.

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I loved today's episode. Marcie's really selfish. Viki was totally right. And I can totally see why Viki left Llanview in the first place - her family is ridiculous. Their mother is in grave danger and all Jessica can do is mention Niki Smith? Natalie was right to be annoyed with that. The past few months they have really painted Jessica in a vain and selfish light, and it's interesting to see how different she and Natalie are.

One of my favorite scenes today was between Lee and Gigi. That was intense. She's really made an enemy out of Ramsey - and he's nuts. I hope he stays on the show, he's turning into a great villain.

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Natalie did have a right to be annoyed, but running off and going to Paris Texas is very Niki-like, even last month David thought Viki was Niki. I keep wondering if we'll see a Niki return with how she has been mentioned, although it could just be being realistic to mention her.

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Anyone else hate Marcie? I had no use for her before but her current actions have made her that much more unbearable for me. I think some might see her as a desperate mother and getting sympathy that way but she gets none for me. She has been acting evil and psychotic and the way she treated Viki was downright despicable. This isnt somethign that will be easily redeemable for me. I also cant believe she was waving that gun around with a toddler right next to her. And with cops and FBI agents with gun surrounding her, one of which was crazy enoguh to take a shot at them, well anything could have happened. She is thinkng about herself and not whats best for the child. Right now she can go to hell and I want her in prison. Girl deserves to be locked up

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Powerful episode today. It's been an intense week.

So how many characters were on today? Anyone knows? It seems to be alot!

Just give Kathy Brier the Emmy NOW! She is hitting these scenes out of the park. The scenes with Marcie and Michael at the door were touching. So much emotional intensity in today's show; from Natalie/Jared to the hostage situation.

That Ramsey is a jerk. Roxie continues to make me LOL with the stuff that comes out of her mouth. I wish TSJ would have displayed more emotion when Todd heard about Viki's heart trouble.

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I liked GT's OLTL. he made it fun! He had alot of interesting and fun ideas. Live week, Changing places and the Babes Behind Bars. He really did care about the soap and genre. Plus best story under him was the introduction of Roxy, Natalie and Alison Perkins which made for some must see tv
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And don't forget animated Starr. I agree with you Cheap, I liked the comedy and lightheartedness of Tomlin's stint as EP of OLTL. You could tell he really cared about the show, and that he was afraid of trying something new or different.

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