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OLTL Discussion: Week of January 7th

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I think Noelle is a terrific character but unless they tie her to someone established then it really wouldn't make any sense and unfortunately she'll just be backburnered like Layla and the rest of the minorities. I can't see them bringing all that Texas and pie shtick to Llanview and the character will need revamping. However, I thoroughly enjoyed her and Moe (suprisingly so) last week and really wish it would continue with a more stable storyline and cast integration.

Marcie on the run will thankfully come to an end next week. Vicki was a nice curve ball but not even she could save this wretched storyline. Marcie on the run should have been a two week plotpoint and the hostage scenes were downright ridiculous with the number of times Marcie put down that gun.

OLTL has a bit of momentum. It should be interesting to see how the ratings fare next week.

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Noelle and Mo are on CONTRACT? That's awesome and I love them, but when did that happen?

Maybe OLTL will start to resemble a show like Gilmore Girls, with a gaggle of peripheral characters that color the canvas regularly but without a real storyline.

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I have been loving the Marcie and Viki scenes and now that Michael is there it is really, really getting good.

Kathy and Erika have been so good, Kathy has been outstanding in this

After Marcie and Viki today I feel more and more sympathy for Marcie, seeing her so despondent and desperate and hearing Viki say all that stuff to her today made me feel even more sorry for Marcie.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

I love the actor who is now playing Michael and I am very excited to see him and Kathy together again, last week the scene was short but they did seem to have an instant chemistry.

Dorian has been cracking me up lately

Loved the Rex and Roxie scenes I am very intrigued there

All in all good week so far

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OMG, dorian is so nosey, I swear she knows just about all the good secrets in llanview.lol I'm sick of marcie, I'm on todd's side. A life on the run is no way to raise a child and endangering his life with all the police/fbi outside makes her an awful mother. ITA about michael I like him better than the last michael.

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I loved the show again today. All the drama is just great to watch.

Loved the scenes with Viki and Marcie, I always love to hear Viki talk about Megan, even if she didn't really talk about her, you can tell it still hurts Viki that she lost Megan. But I am getting tired of Marcie pointing that gun at Viki, if she's not careful it's going to go off, then I'll never forgive Marcie.

I am loving NuMichael, he's really picked up on this character and has run with it.

Dorian is itching to tell Blair about Viki but then she'll lose the upper hand with Charlie and Viki. I love watching Dorian like this.

The expressions on everyone's face when Noelle announced that Viki has been waitressing for the past five monthes was priceless, but I'm still dumbfounded WHY Jessica and Natalie aren't on a plane heading to TX.

Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

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Today's show grade was a B- for me.

I enjoyed,

Marcie/Viki talking about children and bringin up Megan, another great nod to the history of the show. RC rules in that department.

Roxy nervous about Rex questioning the past. Roxy and Miles hug.

Dorian and Blair's talk with Dorian actually helping Blair to go be with Todd in this time of need.

The look on everyones faces while watching the situation unfold

I disliked,

John McBain taking over the entire stand off when he does not even have a badge.

Michael showing up finally, but what happened before that, how did he get there?

Gigi/Shane/Ramsey, still no where to be found?

While the show has been good all week, it seems as if some scenes were scrapped, not sure.

I am sure Tomorrow will be just as exciting though!!

I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I really like him too. He's grown into the role in such a short time.

Today was great yet again. I loved everyone's reaction when they found out that Viki was a waitress in Texas.

I was thinking the same thing too. Maybe Mo will open a Bonjour Cafe in Llanview or something. All I know it that I definitely don't want to lose them when the Texas story ends.

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I agree. The story has gone on too long but KB keeps hitting it home. Can't wait until tomorrow and especially Friday. Love it that Viki's sucky unappreciative family has to find out how much they've failed her from watching a news report. I doubt this means her daughters will be less self-centered but at least that point has been made. And what does Jess say in the previews? - oh yeah, it's gotta be Niki Smith! Get over yourself, wannabe Tess.

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