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Barack Obama Elected President!


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We have every right to know who gave the Clintons money and who they gave money to and how much.

Bill has become every wealthy since leaving office and i would like to how how he got that way?

IMO there's something in thier taxes that the GOP can attack so they want to get the nom before showing what it is.

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I think some things are private while others aren't

In 2006 during the primary season to see who would be the nominee for Governor of California, many people pressed for one of the two candidates to release his tax information. After, like a couple days, nobody cared anymore.

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We care now about someone running for the presidency Of The U.S. who won't release some information, and after 7 years of Republican crap just like this, I think we deserve answers.

If he can release his, she can release hers. If there is nothing to hide, what's the problem?

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I think people still care about hillary's tax return though. :lol: I want to know where all that money the clintons have came from. Bill giving speeches is not paying for a 10 million dollar house or however much it cost. If hillary has nothing to hide releasing her tax return shouldn't even be a problem, her stalling looks very suspect.imo

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