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Barack Obama Elected President!


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This thread has been re-opened. I've been informed the situation has been resolved and just know that future violations will be met with the same punishment. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

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That statement IS absolutely crazy to me! Just because she's a little more conservative than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, and some other Democrats, or you for that matter, does NOT make her a Republican.

B) HOPEFULLY he WON'T. (But saying that, IF he does, I will vote Obama as the lesser of 2 evils imho, but I sure hope and pray that Hillary Rodham Clinton will win the nomination. She's the best hope for our country imho.

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That statement IS absolutely crazy to me! Just because she's a little more conservative than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, and some other Democrats, or you for that matter, does NOT make her a Republican.

B) HOPEFULLY he WON'T. (But saying that, IF he does, I will vote Obama as the lesser of 2 evils imho, but I sure hope and pray that Hillary Rodham Clinton will win the nomination. She's the best hope for our country imho.

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And Mulder that is your right.

What we seem to have is people downing somone because they don't agree with them. I said you have the right to your opinion, but you seem to blast mine because I don't agree with you.

Why is that? It'show I feel, and if I respect your feelings and opinions on the issues, why can't you at least respect mine?

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I think obama should of just let this story die with his statement about denouncing pastor wrights statements. Because when a story lasts more than 24 hours its still going to be talked about, although I think his story took a little bit of the backburner this week with the economic crisis. Why add more fuel to the fire? I was shocked to see obama on fox news, since he has been banning their network, thats the last place he should of gone because they don't give a damn about him and will twist his words around to make him look bad. Why go to the network that insists their anchors call him Barck Hussein obama every time his name is mentioned? I really hope he didn't attend any of pastor wrights sermons with his hate and racist rhetoric, because you know fox news is going to play it all over their network if they find one. Kudos to clinton for saying in a statment that they had no comment about the situation, she did the right thing by not getting involved even though she had the right to since Wright is talking about her and her marriage in one of the videos. Unfortunately for hillary bill was on GMA talking about what he said in SC was taken out of context and that it was a race myth of what he said, about jesse jackson, he said he was complimenting obama in SC not belittling his win in comparison with jackson. I think bill just needs to shut up and leave it alone. Both candidates need to get back to the issues and not bring race into this race.

Hopefully I will be able to watch obama speech later on.

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Erica, I agree with you, but the media wouldnot let it die. Plus, you started having people associate him 100% with Wright, which is the very same thing they are not doing when it comes to McCain and the two pastors who indorced him.

I think it just got to the point where he didn't have a choice. He had tried to let it die, but the media ad the right wing kept bringing it up.

Sometimes, you just have to meet this stuff head on, and you'll see that when you see his speech. :)

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Well I can't wait to see his speech, but he's fooling himself if he thinks fox and the republicans are going to let this die. I was watching jimmy kimmel last night and they had a clip of the abrams report from msnbc they had this republican on there that was appalled that obama didn't wear the pin flag and was utterly upset that obama wouldn't wear one. The guy himself wasn't even wearing a pin flag yet he was appalled obama didn't have one? These are the nuts obama has to deal with in the next couple of months. I don't know who will have it worst hillary or obama? Because apparently some republican has a whole report on bill clintons affairs since the monica scandal and that person is gonna release it if she is the nom or some other bill clinton scandal because I doubt hillary will cause much of a scandal vs. obama having to deal with pastor wrights comments, his church and religion, not wearing the pin flag, and his middle name. I would be embarrassed if I was a republican to be associated with these nutjobs, seriously why is his middle name even an issue? Its not like obama as an infant had a choice in the matter. :lol:

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And you know something, Erica? You have just said, in your wonderful way, why most of the country will not vote for McCain. Becuase of the cooks and quacks on the right who love to divide and conquer. The young vote is the key, and if Obama can secure that.....

watch out. :)

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Obama's speech was great.... and IMO could very well lead to him getting this nomination. I see this as a turning point. I hope now they can finally put the race issue aside and continue hammering the issues home in the stump speeches. The way this contest has gotten off track so many times because of this issue is disheartening and disappointing.

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Breaking news a few hours ago was that Condoleeza Rice has apologized for it and that for now they're viewing it as curiosity but they'll surely be more to follow.

On another note, I find it interesting that McCain suspended an aide for trying to go heavy handed with the "Wright" controversy while Hilary Clinton's camp stopped denying that they were passing "Wright" video to the super delegates.

Under normal circumstances, America would not have been treated to words spoken by a minister in a church because people having no connection to that church would have no interest in it. But because someone opted to find "dirt" on Obama they went to the church for it and are trying to employ the logic that he is responsible for what another man says or believes and he follows what this man says down to the very last word. I think there is more gray to life than there is black and white.

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