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Barack Obama Elected President!


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No, I feel vindicated by the fact that you couldn't refute anything I said. If I really wasted my time, you would have proven it in your one sentence. Mwah.

I understand you Roman. I always have maintained that sensibility. That being said, I WILL defend myself. Obviously I'm being put in the position to do so, ignore feature or not. Only you and the other moderators can ensure that I won't have to.

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It's coming to the point where personal attacks are beginning to be used against one another and it's going to stop. We try to give chance after chance because banning someone is a PERMANENT thing, but I'm getting sick of it. There's only so much a person is going to take before they snap, and I can assure you that the person who does...isn't the one going to be banned <_<.

Let it go damn it.

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Hillary did NOT have Geraldine Ferraro say that about Obama. Hillary said she did NOT agree with what Geraldine Ferraro said and I believe that Hillary ask for Ferraro's resignation. Ferraro isn't a racist in what she said, she said what she said in the wrong way yes. A lot of black Americans were supporting Hillary instead of Obama, but swtiched after Oprah Winfrey endorsed and campaigned for Obama----that's a fact if you've been following the election. Barack Obama is a lot of talk and good speeches and does come off arrogant. He has less experience than Hillary. Hillary MOST DEFINITELY can get elected as President, and may do so yet. The election isn't over yet! If the Democrat National Committee is smart they will have Hillary as the Presidential Nominee and Barack Obama as Vice, since Barack NEEDS MORE EXPERIENCE.

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You don't believe she is a racist. I believe she is, especially since she said the exact same thing about Jesse Jackson in 1984. I am following the election, and Oprah endorsing him didn't have one thing to do with it. Him winning in Iowa had something to do with it.

Barack needs substance to his speeches (I can say that, since I've been following it) and Hillary is nothing but a Republican in Democrat clothing.

And I am so damn sick and tired of hearing about her experience. Being married to a politician for 35 years doesn't grant you experience, especially since one of the peace treaties she's been bragging about helping set (I know this becuase I've been watching) was blasted by a Nobel Peace Prize winner, the person who won the award for setting up the same peace treaty she's bragging about.....and he said she basically had nothing to do with it.

It's also amazing that Barack has no experience, but if something happened to Hillary, it's cool if he is then president. Hmm....

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This Ferraro person needs to STFU, she is now claiming that obama campaign is causing all this uproar to hurt Hillary. Is she for real? If anyone is hurting hillary it is her, she keeps going to news org to new org telling her side of the story its really sad and pathtetic when you don't realize what you said was racist. If obama was only winnning because of the black vote then how is it that people from other races are voting for him? One race can't help you get elected it has to be majority that gets you elected.

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The delegate count now is obama 1,611 and hillary 1,480. This thing could easily be turned around for clinton, because she is doing good in the in Pennsylvania polls which has 188 delegates and the Fl government won't budge on the re-vote, in which I think they have ulterior motives which is they want the votes to go to hillary.imo But I still think even if there is a re-vote that FL will still go to hillary, MI is a question mark.

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Well chelsea clinton did say at a rally that hillary was more conservative than bill. I don't think that makes her a republican. You can be conservative about some things and liberal about other things so I have to agree with Devoted she is a moderate democrat.

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Really EK70? I heard that Florida is pretty much dropping out on a re vote right now....haven't heard about Michigan. Let's hope Florida does a re vote, even if it costs a lot. We need to make sure that the 4 million Democrats in Florida have a voice in this primary season.

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