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Y&R: January 2-4 Discussion

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After two days I am hooked back onto Y&R. OMG! Who knew that in such a short time things could be turned around? Every scene matters! The characters dialouge is all stuff that makes you want to hear them out. Characters I hated, now I tolerate. Victor Newman!!!! In jail dictating to Michael, that was classic Victor right there. Y&R is back so far but as Ryan said, do I dare get my hopes up?

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This past week was really a night and day difference. The Latham era (hopefully) is over and the resurgence of the Bells is underway.

The lighting was better (tip of the hat to Sally McDonald who so deservedly got the producer promotion). The dialog was better and more in line with each individual character (big shout out to Maria Arena Bell and Paula Cwikly!) and everything was just so wonderfully paced (shout out to Josh Griffith!). I am *shocked* at what a one week difference can make. It really goes to show how pathetic LML, her lame husband and son and their bloated 18 person writing staff really is!

I am just keeping my fingers crossed that the horrid LML storylines can be wrapped up quickly and that the momentum the show has continues. I would hate for Y&R to hit a deeper rut than it's already in!

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The stories are HORRID - seriously every scene involving Amber and a wig (ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!) or that dumb bastard David Chow (yeah right, he manages to break up Nikki & Victor) - but the execution is fabulous.

Great dialogue and scenes with actual conversation; you can relate to character which couldn't be said at all in 2007 for Y&R...

But most of all; a more classic directing and the BEAUTIFUL music is back. And cliffhangers!

Isn't amazing how easy it was for Griffith and Arena Bell to make Y&R itself again? Now imagine what could happen if there were some good stories and deadweight LML characters cut? Astounding possibilities!

I'm back with Y&R I guess.

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Okay...why do you think Cwikly is back?

Was she in Friday's credits and I missed it?

I can't believe she'd go FiCore...I'd just assumed she'd want to have a shot at HW again some day.

Please help me confirm the Cwikly thing, because I haven't seen that elsewhere....

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I'm almost positive that Paula was in the Friday episode...it may have even been the Thursday episode. Y&R does seem to be getting better - even though the stories are still crap. Hopefully with time Josh Griffith and Maria Bell & Co. can improve them and introduce their own stories.

ETA: It was Friday (US) - I checked Toups's Writers and Directors thread.

I think so too. She's been great on B&B and it's been nice seeing her with story (even though she hasn't been on much lately), Y&R is her home and I would love to see her back there.

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