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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Very happy to see Janice Ferri listed in the Y&R production credits. I thought she was only writing a couple of scripts, but if she's listed there, it must been she's full time.

She'll probably been gone from the credits soon.

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It would be a shame if Sally McDonald doesn't push Rauch and Bell to get them back.

However, I'm inclined to believe that both are out of the business for good. I think Mike Denney only went to DAYS as a favour to Ed Scott, since it was reported that he was retiring when he left Y&R last year. Foster was also doing nothing until Scott brought her to DAYS.

Well that does sound more logical. :lol:

I assume he got rid of Denney and Foster too then, well that's stupid. He should've pushed for them to stay.

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Okay, brimike, SPILL! Because at some level this does not compute for me.

We know that Corday sided with Higley over Scott, and then hired Tomlin to replace Scott. Presumably, the idea was that Tomlin would oversee production and leave 'creative' to Higley.

If Tomlin is now making writing changes...well, that sure SEEMS like we're headed into the same HW-EP conflict zone we JUST left. And it would boggle the mind of Corday was creating the same kind of management ambiguity he JUST unravelled.

So, WHY do you think that Tomlin made a WRITING decision??

Which proves, dear Toups, you should lay out the meat the instant you get it...instead of allowing it to fester and taint out of some kind of antiquated sense of honor. (Just teasing!! seriously!) :).

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I'm hearing conflicting stories about Victor, so I probably shouldn't be spreading gossip.

There's a lot changing with the writing team over there, and a lot of that has to do with Tomlin though. (I'll let Toups fill you in on the fun stuff later in October. How's THAT for a tease? LOL!) And no, it's not Dena's firing. There will be more new additions however. Tomlin is heavily involved with the writing process on the shows he EP's, much like Goutman and Wheeler are at their shows. He comes from a writing/acting background, and is/was a WGA member until he went fi-core. (Let's hear it for Days of Our Lives - the first practically non-union soap opera! Blech.)

I suspect this is the honeymoon period (which exists on all soaps... new HWs and EP's pretty much get carte blanche for the first six months, and then the network starts mucking around). Scott got it at DOOL, and Tomlin will get it now. He makes all the changes he wants, and in a few months, depending on the ratings, Corday will start messing with it. It happens at every soap, with every new PTB that get hired. So for now, Tomlin gets to fire who he wants, bring in who he wants (although I suspect Dena is probably protected by Corday for the time being), and hope for the best.

ETA: Oh, and Mark? What in the world makes you think Ken Corday would make a bone-headed decision that could possibly land him in the same trouble the Scott/Higley mess got him into? Corday, being the strong, stable, intelligent businessman that he is, the man who always learns from his mistakes, and never hires the same writers who dragged his show down before a second time, the man who-- aw, forget it. I can't even get through typing this. ;)

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With DAYS now down to just three main directors, will Tomlin start hiring a number of freelance directors? I know Tomlin likes to direct for all of his soaps, so that's not out of the question. I assume he'll be brining in some former SuBe/Passions directors like Toups suggested.

Was it Foster and Denney's choice to leave or were they apart of Tomlin's housecleaning? If so, I can't see Maxam lasting too long, though he has it better, being a producer on the show and all.

Who was lead director for Passions, Toups? I think that person has the best chance of showing up on DAYS with Tomlin there. I assume it was Peter Brinkerhoff, who is now at GH: Night Shift.

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