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AMC: Wednesday

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You Only Live Twice Ryan

Good lord I am so sick to death of his holiness running around town collecting evidence against Ritchie to use against him as if it is Ryan's stupid business. Here he goes again interfering in other people's lives when they just want to get through the day without his bug eyes or huff and puff attitude with green smoke coming out of his ears like he just saw a walking v@gin@! He did it to Maria a couple of years ago when insisting that she not have anything to do with Zach but yet it is her decision to do it or not. Then he bothers with Jonathan, Kendall, Zach, Greenlee, Dixie, David, Bianca, and lord knows whoever else that he knows all the answers like he is some HIGH H0 of the Valley with the knowledge of Jesus Christ himself. Again, what part of steer clear of other people's lives is this moron not understanding? Ritchie just wants to live his life that was stolen from him (or at least seven years) and not have to deal with Ryan and Annie but will make efforts to just get away from the two. So what does Ryan do? Runs around just acting like it is some mission of his, such as a James Bond one, to find out what the deal is between him and the looney dooney kookey padoockey doctor. Hey Ryan....why do you care anyways? Maybe you should focus on your wife and your children rather than get involved in a personal affair as if you have every right to know what is going on with Ritchie and Chambers. Get a life you stupid nitcompoophead and go count sheep or organize them in a flock and fork off or do something but stop running around gathering evidence against Ritchie. It has already been a proven track record that this idiot never gets anywhere when he bothers with personal affairs between other people. So why does his holiness think it will work out this time with Ritchie? I hope someone chops him into little pieces and mails him to The White House to give ole Georgie and Mr. Heart Trouble along with Lynne The Wicked Witch of the West Laimey Cheney some problems and do whatever else it does. Hey that would give Ryan something to do with his time than act like he is HIGH H0 of everything and has to know what everyone talks about. Sheesh we all need elbow and breating room from you, St. Ryan of the Hypocritical Ego Oath. I guess the first line of that oath is "Thou shall erect thy bug eyes and annoy into submission."

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I really liked J.R and Amanda, but it looks like the show is going to dump them so that J.R. can be fascinated with Ava. She's ever so fascinating, so no one could possible resist. <_< Can LR leave already? I like Lily, but this double does is killing me. The only one I've seen Jon have chemistry with is Annie. It might be interesting to see him with this Babe, although I'm having a hard time warming up to her.

As far as that apologize song goes, I give the show credit for trying to make this story about a female friendship. It does get old when the only relationship soaps care about is their latest bed partner. Too bad AMC totally botched this up. They went too far in vilifying Greenlee, so as a fan I resent it and have no interest in seeing her make up with Kendall (I realize Kendall fans feel the same way). If they hadn't gone so far, I would be much more invested in seeing these two patch it up. They should have had Greenlee responsible for the premature about, but not Spike's deafness (re-write aside).

It's interesting that Zack really has no idea how Kendell feels towards Greenlee. He's been underestimating their bond all along. Too bad the show has made me want that bond severed for good. If Greenlee is in Annie's place in that annoying little quad a year from now I'm going to lose my mind. :P

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Kyle I agree for once, but I'll one up ya, STFU Greenlee and Aidan

Jon and Ryan: the asshat twins :rolleyes:

So Aidan when's GreenME gonna stand up in court and own up to what she did? She sure seems to think an apology makes it all better, kind of like a bandaid on a sore.


Today was a snoozefest, sad when I'd rather watch Days...

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Did Baker do anything special today or was she just "kinda" affected by all the drama that was going on around her. :lol:

I'll be honest I don't like or dislike Baker in the role however she doesn't move me in anyway and I am left empty by her performences more or less because I don't feel that she really puts forth any effort in her scenes and when she does she seems so completely detached from the material. She is just kind of worried about Ritchie, or kind of upset about JR's alchoal problem, or kind of upset that Momma is with Adam. No real strong emotions about anything. "I really don't like the way you guys treat Ritchie and I just wanted to tell you that bye~!"

Did she actually participate today or did she make Eakes, Miller, Young, MCE (insert any other actor/ess in proximity to her) carry her in her scenes.

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I thought the same thing too - for some odd reason I enjoyed them being civil to each other. I doubt that will last though.

Maybe Jack/Julia won't be so bad as I originally thought, Julia was great with Lily and their scenes were pretty good. Time will tell I guess.

True, but Lily doesn't know any better.

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