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Beverly Hills, 90210


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Aside from Dallas, I consider Beverly Hills, 90210 to be the finest prime-time soap ever made. Therefore, I'd like to start a thread that deals with this show.

Note that this thread can cover an extremely broad range of 90210-related topics. However, the first post in this thread will simply state my opinions on the show's characters. Of course, I'd very much like to hear what you folks have to say about any aspect of the show.

90210 characters (and my opinions of them), listed in alphabetical order:

*Clare Arnold--I found this character to be quite boring, as with just about every other character (except Valerie) added in the show's post-high school years.

*Nat Bussichio--Personally, I enjoyed having this character around, since he was able to serve as a counselor to all of the teens.

*Valerie Malone--Placing Valerie on the show was the best thing that could have happened following Brenda's unfortunate departure. What made this character so interesting was that she was far darker in personality than any character previously featured on 90210. The feud that she and Kelly had was very entertaining, even though I don't know how it was started.

*Donna Martin--Along with Brandon, Donna was the character who changed the least during the show's long run. For the life of me, I cannot understand what she saw in David. (My problems with David are listed below.) And, while I hate to say this, I am convinced that Tori Spelling got this role only because she was the daughter of Aaron Spelling.

*Dylan McKay--Dylan was definately the most emotionally complex character on 90210 (with Brenda coming in second). Although this is hard to believe, this character did not even make an appearance in the pilot episode. In fact, he was originally intended to appear in just a couple of episodes until Aaron Spelling realized how much Luke Perry would add to the entire ensemble. Honestly, I think that the decision to make Dylan a major character was what made the difference between being cancelled after a few episodes and having 90210 become a long-running TV program.

*Steve Sanders--Steve served as the comic relief of the show. As somebody stated on another message board, a Steve and Andrea romance would have been interesting to watch given that Steve was all play while Andrea was all work.

*Scott Scanlon--Scott was David's friend (in the early episodes) who accidentally killed himself when he was playing with a gun and unintentionally pulled the trigger. It has always been my opinion that during the time Scott was around, he served no real purpose on the show.

*David Silver--David was my least favorite out of all the major 90210 characters. Specifically, I thought it was reprehensible the way he kept pressuring Donna into having sex with him. Even though the series ended by having the two of them marry, I feel that theirs was a relationship fraught with major problems.

*Kelly Taylor--IMO, Jennie Garth was the prettiest actress on the show, and I still can't understand why she never became a household name the way Jason Priestley, Shannen Doherty, Luke Perry, and Tori Spelling did. In regards to the character of Kelly herself, I enjoyed watching how she evolved from a self-centered spoiled girl into a caring young woman. However, there's one thing about Kelly that I didn't like, which was how she would suddenly become all moody without any real reason justifying it.

*Brandon Walsh--I always felt that Brandon was the moral compass of the show, and that 90210 should have ended once he decided to leave. Although I very much like this character (who doesn't?), Brandon's massive sexual cravings seemed to be at odds with his wholesome image.

*Brenda Walsh--Many people feel that 90210 jumped the shark after Brenda departed, and I would have to agree with this assessment. Brenda was such a complex character with constant emotional issues. Her pairing with Dylan was what made 90210 go from the brink of cancellation to one of television's hottest shows.

*Jim & Cindy Walsh--Not only were Jim & Cindy terrific parents, but they were my favorite characters on the show. (I especially liked watching Jim.) Of course, I wished that the two of them got more of their own storylines and was saddened when both left the show. However, there are two things that I never really understood: First, why on Earth would Jim & Cindy allow Brandon's friends to live in their house long after Brandon (and the other Walshes) left Beverly Hills? And second, I thought that Jim's opposition to Dylan being with Brenda was way too harsh, as I can't think of anything Dylan did (other than coming from a troubled background) to warrant such disapproval.

*Andrea Zuckerman--I really don't like this character at all. Although it is OK to hold strident beliefs the way Andrea did, I really hated how she was intolerant of anybody who disagreed with her. Also, the way her character changed completely in just one season--going from the class valedictorian to marrying and having a child with someone she barley knew--seemed completely unbelieveable.

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I love 90210. It's funny, I like the brunette women on the show, not so much the blondes. I loed Brenda and Valerie. HATED Kelly and that self rightoeus Donna. Kelly hated Valerie because Val slept with Dylan when Steve liked her and broke Steve's heart. And Kelly still held a torch for Dylan.

I always thought that at D&D's wedding, Matt should have left and Brenda should have ran in and the two locked eyes. And they end up together.

Dylan and Brenda forever!

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I completely stopped watching after Shannen Doherty was fired. Brenda MADE that show. And it was unwatchable once she departed.

Another funny tidbit: Hilary Swank was fired from her role as Steve's girlfiend because TIIC didn't think she could act. Turns out it was the best thing that could have happened to her. She was then able to take the lead in Boys Don't Cry, for which she won her first Oscar. (her second of course, was for Million Dollar Baby) She is now an A list actress in Hollywood and hasn't stopped working since BDC.

Betcha those guys that canned her are eating crow now. :lol:

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^Swank was horrid on 90210 tho.

I love the seasons after college. those are the best. I hated that show when they were in high school and most of college. They were all so annoying. I dont mind the college years once Brenda is gone, D is awful and i cant enjoy anything with her. Brenda as a char didnt help much either.

I loved Matt, Noah, Gina, Val, and others that came later.

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I loved 90210, one of my all time faves. Stll watch the reruns on Soapnet :)

I loved Brandon and to me a big part of the show left when he did, he made me tolerate Kelly and that is big LOL. Brandon/Kelly is the only Kelly pairing I liked

I adored Brenda and Dylan and that is when my Kelly hate started. Brenda/Dylan and Brandon/Kelly should have ended up together and I was ticked when it was Dylan/Kelly :angry:

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As a teen I stopped watching right around when Brenda left as well. I was never too into the show and by then I was 13 or 14 and none of my firends were watching and it was a bit too over the top for me. Now, I love over the top and have been enjoying the daily reruns in Canada on TVtoprolis. I think we're currently at season 7 (Luke Perry left not too long ago). I don't catch every episode but... As much as I 'm enjoying it I have to wonder if you think ti was the second finest prime time soap EVER partly cuz of sentimental reasons? When youw atch daily I notice SOOO many writing problems that i'm not sure I would have otherwise--characters repeating basically the same stories year after year, convulated stories that never quite make sense (the whole Dillon's revenge for his father oen that lasted liek 3 years + falls into the category here). Between either seasons 5-6 or 6-7 there also seemed ot be a big rewrite while the show was gone for Summer hiatus--that was the season that ended with the implication that Brandon and Val hooked up and opened with the trevelation they couldn't--nearly every other story that was being set up was dropped as well.

I do admit the show is FAR better than I, and prob most critics, gave it credit for and it's amazing what a long run it had and what affection for the characters the show brough in audiences. But I think the writing was pretty patchy


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Well I recently got hold of a cheap copy of the series and it's interesting going back to it with an adult eye. I only ever saw the first 3-4 seasons when I was a kid (never seen Valerie so I guess the first 3).

What strikes me most when I'm rewatching season 1 is how obviously condescending and preachy the writing is. Because it was fairly episodic, everything is neatly wrapped up with little room for anything close to character progression. It's a shame because they were taking on "big" stories like gang date rape which were quite close to the bone and then making a mess of them.

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It is interestign watching as the show gets more and more Melrose--in season 4 or 5 there's sitll an awkward mix of over the top soap stories and randomprechaey stories like Steve helping an old guy with Alzheimers etc....

Of course even the first half of season one of Melrose suffered that--it felt like they were trying to make a "live and learn--issue of the week" series but aimed at 20somethings! of course they soon realized that owuldnt' sell

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