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In The Zone Radio: Season 2

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Tonight's show begins at 10PM. Besides our interview with Mr. Peter Brash, we'll also discuss...

- Y&R: The marriage of Victoria & JT; Victor leaving; Amber & Daniel

- SON's Upcoming Y&R Feature

- GH: Kelly Monaco's interview with SOD Online...does she not want Lucky & Sam? Is she pimping Jason & Sam again? Some fans think so

- Big Brother 9!! Contestants revealed, twist and more! Thanks to Kennylicious for gathering information and posting it in the BB9 Discussion Thread

- Open Discussion

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

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I just read Kelly's interview, and I have to agree with what she said. Sam does view Jason as the love of her life, and she did start out her friendship and fling with Lucky with vengence on her mind. But things changed, his goodness affected her, and she's falling for him. She's not in love with him, yet, but the way it comes across onscreen, is that Sam on that line between staying with what she knows and jumping into the pool of taking that risk.

Personally, I haven't liked Sam until now. I like that even though she's bitchy and sometimes grating, she's actually not denying that (unlike certain other bitches *cough*DizzyNurseLizzy*cough*). She was wronged, she fought back, made terrible mistakes that she deserved to pay for but at least she owns most of it. Can't say that for St Jasus and DNL.

And yes, I am a Sam and Lucky fan, but I'm not stupid. Lucky was an ass for having an affair with Maxie, Sam was a bitch, a hypocrite and just plain ole wrong for hiring men to scare Elizabeth in the park, and watching crazy show guest kidnap Jake. But if I killed a guy, then you went out and killed another guy, that doesn't make me any less of a murderer (if anyone got that analogy, I applaud you).

I'm just sick of this level of freaking holyness the show holds Jason, Liz, Sonny and Carly to. It's in full throttle now with Lulu too, and if history's any indicator, it'll happen to Kate and Marianna too.

Have a great night peeps, I can't wait to download the podcast tomorrow.


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Can I ask Mr Brash a question?

I'm pretty he was responsible for a John & Marlena scene that for me, turned the show around in 2002. It was a scene on the balcony of the penthouse, they talked about their relationship and in just a few seconds, they had me willing to let go of what Langan had done to the characters...

("I don't remember most of my life before I met you, sweetheart, but by god, I have spent the rest of it loving you.......all of it. I love you. I love you. I love you. You know, we have both been with other people before. And not to diminish what they meant to us, but, it was always you. When I thought you were gone, I kept searching, I kept.....I kept trying to make my life whole again. It never was." - John to Marlena)

It was short, simple and in character. It reflected on their history, and used one of the things I love most about them. They have loved other people, but what's so beautiful in that is that they still choose each other. They didn't just end up together, they chose each other. They love each other that much. That's beautiful to me. And that scene is still one of my all-time favourites. How you and Paula changed their interraction from the ugliness the year before was great.

There were a lot of things I didn't care for, but before October of 2007 (before John's death and Deidre Hall's haunting performance), 2002 was the last time I actually enjoyed most of the show (except Shawn and Belle, which was despite the acting ;) I loved the writing, couldn't stand the actors playing the characters).

Good luck!


John & Marlena fan

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GH, luLiasamsonarly (if anyone got that), and all that this what i have to say...

Sam vs Liz is stupid. what it all comes down to for me is that nothing you do can be excused. you chose to make those actions. however, the motive of the actions speaks volumes. Liz's motive kind from a good place. Sam's motive from a evil place. I understand how sam felt, but what she did was beyond being okay to ever forgive. I would love sam IF she owned up to who she is and what she does and become an uber cassadine bitch. but she doesnt. she plays the poor barren feel forry for me role.

Sonny & Jason are killers and run the mob. And they are played as the hero's yes. However what do you expecty from the show that turned a rape into the biggest love story of all time?

Re: KeMo's interview, i so got a proping of JaSam vibe from it. I just wish that KeMo could soap hop to a good soap role.

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