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B&B: Week of Nov. 5th Discussion!

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That's really interesting because I didn't pick up on that -- and that's probably the point. All shows this week have been seamless in terms of quality of dialogue and pacing and tone. And acting! If this is Kay Alden's work, then all I can say is that the Bell-Alden-Mulcahey-Esser-Kelly-Deveney-Stick-Shaughnessy partnership is coming up trumps. UTILIZING B&B's history and assets and vets -- both in front of screen and behind the scenes -- is the Golden ticket, as far as I'm concerned.

I especially loved Thursday with the Logan pow-wow. OMG I love those Logan girls grouping together! I loved how Donna said:

Look, I've had a close-up view of the Forresters. And you know why they keep coming out on top is because their boundaries include each other. Everybody tells everything. And when there's a crisis, they--they react as a unit, I mean, a totally dysfunctional unit, but it keeps 'em strong and keeps 'em together. Now why can't we do that? In--instead we just-- we go off to our separate corners, and we lick our wounds. (Sighs heavily) We've never learned to rely on each other that way.

Brooke: Well, there is a reason for that.

Donna: Okay, so you can stop punishing Stephanie, but not Daddy? And Rick should be told... and Storm. There's safety in numbers, Brooke. I mean, look at us. We're all on the verge of--of having the lives that we want. But if we don't stand together, then--then she's just gonna knock us down one by one, like she always has.

Stephen: Look, this isn't working for me. I'm not gonna sit in the kitchen while you all decide how much of a father you're gonna let me be.

I mean, there's just so much depth in that snippet of dialogue alone! Donna making the distinction between the Forresters and them. Bringing in their history to propell the plot.

Meanwhile, Felicia's pulling a Stephanie on her dad in order to get him to drop Donna. When Nick referred to Felicia as "a chip off the old block," he was absolutely right.

It's funny. This is only a half-hour show (well, 19 minutes actually!). No fancy train crashes or Metro Court explosions or anything like that. Literally, Thursday's episode took place on two sets: Eric's office and Brooke's living room. And yet I was getting so much more enjoyment than a lot of half-baked Budget-blowing Sweeps stunts. It was rewarding to watch because it had something for the long-time viewer and the newly-tuned in.

And P.S.: I still think Donna and Eric have a quite sweet and touching chemistry.

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They've won me over about two weeks ago when Donna suggested for Eric aka "THE BOSS" (what an awesome marketing campaign!) to take the spotlight because he is the heart, vision and soul of Forrester Creations.

Quoting MrSmartypants why Felicia should mind her own business and keep out of parents life...

Your mother is bee-yotch and your father hasn’t been happy in years. Let him live a little.


The writers are truly working magic these days and Donna is prme example. A slut with a heart. It even rhimes. LOL!

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Wow, more brilliance by B&B on Thursday!

Seeing the Logan sisters together and united (despite the fighting) has been exquisite.

Also seeing Patrick Duffy and DeVry on the credits again was surprising, but nice. I guess you can't have enough suspects, can you?

More brilliance by John McCook: "What, you think I read Aristotle in the toilet? I'm not that smart, you know!" :D :D :D

Other lolities were Stephen being in DALLAS before he came there, lol.

And Patrick Duffy's acting was marvelous! I really enjoy him, I hope he sticks around for a while!

BUT... I AM a little uncomfortable with the crazy pace B&B has settled upon once more: Come on, do you HAVE to have only one storyline featured in an episode?

Where's Ashley? Where's Rick and Phoebe? Where's Ridge, and Jackie, and Clarke?

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I didn't much like Friday's episode. I am really disappointed with all the crazy pace that the show has picked up again (no doubt to make it to some major event during November sweeps). I also don't really like all the campy, Gone with the Wind type of dialogue that they have. Y&R used to do it brilliantly, but B&B is not there quite yet.

The raven thing was fun but stupid, as well as the fact that it wasn't even explained how Stephen found Stephanie (except if they live at the same hotel and Stephen saw Eric leaving).

However, the episode did have one of Stephanie's best moments: "Push me if you're man enough!" OUTRAGEOUS!

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This was indeed marvelous. Stephanie is really behaving JR like here - I seriously don't know why and which story they might be pushing at. :P

I also loved Friday's show even if it was a bit slower and unexpected with Eric's concern for Stephanie. THis character han't been written that good in a decade. For once Eric is not just the wimp but torn between his love/affection for Donna/Stephanie.

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Yeah, I'm wondering where they're going with this too, lol :D

Yes, Eric is terrifically written lately, who knew John McCook could be so engaging? He really does love Stephanie, but the way it's written and acted, you believe in his relationship with Donna. I don't care what anyone is saying, Donna is fantastic for the show and her relationship with Eric works. I wouldn't want to loose her.

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