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Days: Whats with the Ratings, why are they so low!!!

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>> sorry but the whole cast is talented especially James Scott.

The WHOLE cast (and especially James Scott)!? Oh, honey. It would take at least five DAYS actors to equal one okay one from ATWT or GH. And even then, we'd have to "round up".

Whatever you're smoking, either lay off it, or share with the rest of the group.

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I think the best actor on daytime is Matt Ashford. He kept Jack popular even when the writers were deliberately TRYING to make Jack unpopular. And the work he did in his heyday, when he was the most popular actor on daytime and J&J were the most popular couple on daytime, was unbeliebable. Some of the best stuff I have ever seen on a soap opera. It kills me how many newer fans have no idea how amazing he was.

The ratings are so low because a lot of fans are not at all interested in the stuff that Hogan is writing. And a lot of the characters just aren't viable. Nothing written for some of them is going to interest people.

DAYS needs a total face lift, starting with the dismissal of Hogan. I'm not sure how the writers' strike will affect all this.


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For me it wasn't worth sticking with it because there were far too many things wrong than right and since I didn't have an attachment to it or any of the characters, I easily turned it off. I started watching it some time last year and at first it seemed like a refreshing change from the soap I was watching at the time. That was probably because it was all new to me. But within a month or so the stories started dragging for me and the payoffs seemed further and further away.

I had read over the years about Patch and Kayla and since I like SN and MBE I thought it would be great to see them together. I ended up disappointed in that s/l because they immediately inserted Billie as a third party which I found ridiculous. I could see his common law wife in Cincy being an obstacle short term but he gets these overwhelming feelings for Billie after darts or what??? Whatever it was it was horrible. They compounded it when he and Kayla were quarantined and he with no real income asks Hope to buy Billie a necklace. They somewhat redeemed themselves when he got his memory back in that flash but I still didn't feel they were handling something that should have been really huge that well. Two people in love find each other after eighteen years and it's so blah.

The Phillip/Belle/Shawn/Mimi baby s/l seemingly dragged on too long and the payoff was Shawn with Willow the hooker? Then I think I saw that after tormenting them, Belle warmed up to Phillip. I don't see why anyone would want to invest in the three of them at this point.

I'll just lump the ridiculous way they diminished Bo and Hope's tragedy to pave the way for her slimey dalliance with Patrick and how quickly he stopped loving Billie to make Hope his obsession. And Marlena and the two psychos went on for too long only to have her remember John but go off in search of herself.

I'm sure I missed a whole lot of other madness but the final no looking back straw came when EJ raped Sammi and they glossed over it like it was nothing at all. She went on as normal and they insisted on making Sammi the object of his affection instead of obsession. I can't buy into that brand of romance and I think that it was an idiotic idea to cross that line if there was a possibility of putting the two together romantically. I do realize they have their fans but I don't know that the general audience will buy into them so I don't see how anyone can refer to them as ratings gold.

There are probably still more things wrong with the show than are right and I don't think people are going to exhibit the kind of patience they may have in the past. They've made their show easier to tune out and they are lucky that there are diehards out there who will overlook everything to continue their habitual viewing patterns.

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