Members Laurie Posted September 27, 2007 Members Share Posted September 27, 2007 Backburner Ryan and Greenlee Get rid of Ava Give JR his manhood back and cast an awesome love interest for him Cast an awesome love interest for Amanda Break up Ryan and Annie....Annie deserves better. A love triangle between Josh/Annie/Jonathan would be interesting to me Have Zach and Kendall go though problems but have them came out stronger. Would love Zach and Kendall to go in to business together Bring back Di!! I miss my fun spunky gal! Miss her with Aidan. Plus she can whip JR into shape. And help Tad fight for custody of Kathy-Kate Keep Adam and Zach as business me some DC and TK! More friendship scenes...more love scenes(especially between Zach and Kendall!)....more family scenes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kylie Posted September 27, 2007 Members Share Posted September 27, 2007 This whole thread makes me laugh, it wasn't three weeks ago when people were jumping down other peoples throats for daring to say AMC was anything but on the upswing, and NOW people realize that there's a problem. I guess it's good that we finally agree. Makes me sad to see AMC in this shape, but I don't know what can be done to fix it. I'm going to get flack for this, and I don't care. We've already established I'm a horrible AMC fan, so we'll just consider this my hating on the show... I don't think returns are the answer. As a David fan, I don't EVER want to see him back on AMC. Hell would freeze over before I'd let AMC try to write for him again. I don't know that the Dixie and T&D and would even care at this point anymore if Dixie came back, since the damage has more then been done, and they've been screwed around with so much. Brooke is great. I loved her and I loved Julia Barr, but really, what the hell would be the point of her coming back if they won't give her a storyline? And from what I've read, it doesn't sound like B&E would be willing to write for her just because she's there. All of these people could come back, but it wouldn't be anything more then a then faux fix. No one is going to stick around and see their favorite character hacked to bits. And those that would grin and bare it just to see their favorites on screen, IMO are no true fan of that character or the show. Every person who left that was even remotely popular in the last 10 years could return, but if the writing is bad, it doesn't make a difference. It wouldn't matter to me in the slighest if David was back, if he was the same shell of himself that he was before he left. I'd rather he be gone, and i wouldn't watch. The same goes for Brooke. I don't think departures are the answer either. Babe leaving, or Greenlee leaving isn't going to solve the problem, it's just going to open the door for others to take their places, that's how it always is. Frons, JHC, B&E...are the reason AMC is in this position. They don't care. Yes, even B&E. They're all cheap talk. THey haven't yet ONCE put their money where the mouth is. So what if the acting is amazing, NO ONE is watching that amazing acting. B&E are Frons' puppets. And JHC is his bitch. They don't care what we want to see. They don't care that we'll let AMC go kicking and screaming. They don't care that we know this show better they ever could. They believe they know what we want and they give it to us. They're "training" us, remember? IMO, people have yet to realize that Megan killed a part of the show that's never going to come back. The fans, like myself, who left during Megan's reign of Terror, didn't just leave because the show was crap, we left because she broke us. Because she broke our spirits. Because she broke our hearts and took away the very essence of what made AMC so amazing. She broke us. And I don't know that anyone can put those pieces back together again, at least not with Frons and JHC still at helm. AMC as we all knew and loved it, died when Josh was brought to life and Dixie was killed. The only way to fix AMC, IMO, is for someone who has the power to fix it, to realize it. Until ABC realizes that we're not stupid. That we're not the enemies and that we would bleed for our show, nothing is going to change. Until someone tells Frons to [!@#$%^&*] off, and realizes that the power to change the show lies in them, and not him....nothing is going to change. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted September 27, 2007 Members Share Posted September 27, 2007 Got more LOL: Get rid of characters the audience CLEARLY has NO interest in, and are clearly hated: Ryan, Ava, Greenlee, Babe, KWAK. Get rid of the "insta couples" ie. Graidan(sounds like some kind of skin disease), Java, JR/Ava, etc...... pair up the couples fans WANT To see: JR & Amanda, Jon & Amanda, etc....... No more baby drama stories for at least 5 years. They're taking the show title too literally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members catkey94 Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 ITA. I think it is time to make changes with TIIC. Its time for Frons to go. I think when these new headwriters came in they talked a good game, but I don't see that it is getting any better. Somebody at ABC Daytime needs to realize that the fan is not their enemy and start listening to what the fans say they want to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 ROTFLMAO I agree. Especially about Babe and KWAK. It was a huge, gigantic, colossal mistake to center so much of the show around the Carey Girls these last four years. Now, with them trying to make Krystal's bar and house the Happenin' Places to Be... GAG me now, please? I'm not understanding why this woman is being forced into being the center of show. Everyone hangs out at her bar. Everyone hangs out at her house -- this woman is a fucking ex-con, fraudulent baby thief, yet we're all supposed to just love her... while Greenlee steals Spike for about twenty minutes and accidentally crashes the car, and she's being forced out of town on a rail?! Now, granted, I don't like Sabine Singh in the role -- but ignoring her (as much as I can) and focusing on the Greenlee Smythe character, her transgression pales in comparison. Something's just off with this show. I haven't even watched it since last week. There are no characters that I care about. I tried to get invested in Annie's story, but of course, it became All About Ryan and HISWIFE with Cameron's one note brand of acting. I tried to care about my Zendall and their double shot of baby drama -- but it's exhausting, so I no longer invest. I tried to get into the whole Gaiden insta-couple -- but Aiden Turner simply lacks charisma for any type of romantic leading man storyline, and Sabine is fifteen notches off the meter when it comes to over acting, that I'm totally not caring about them. Leven plays Ava like some slouching slacker of a college sophomore, rather than this charismatic, engaging young, hip, fabulous and oh so very glam It Girl. And if I have to hear Lily talk about sex one more time... What would I do to save AMC? Give the writing a team a complete and total OVERHAUL! Top to bottom. I mean, seriously. Changing the head writers is one thing, but keeping the other writers on staff -- especially the one who allegedly came up with the name "Zarf" (Chip Hayes) -- that ain't doing all THAT much. You're just repainting the exterior of the house, but keeping the same cheap, ugly furniture on the inside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Tishy Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 Pair up Amanda and JR. They are hot and it should be capitalized on. Dump some of the dead weight, like Ava, Del, Sean, Colby, etc Utilize what you have. Write a damn good story for Tad (Kathy?) That story is aching to be told. We the viewers want to see that. Tie in the Wildwind Gang with the Martins. That could be a huge story. You can even tie in Adam and JR in there as Kathy is JR's sister. Opal and Palmer would be in this story as well. I may get killed for this, but sometimes there is too much Zendall. I love Zendall, but not at the expense at people like Tad, Julia, Aidan, Adam, even Krystal. Keep Dixie dead. Backburner Greenlee and don't let her near kids Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members EricMontreal22 Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 Kylie with all due respect give me a break. Your entire post reeks of the ridiculous "I'm a real fan and if you guys disagree you're not" attitude some soap fans inanely share on here. I actually agree with a lot of your points but first off--it was far from unanimous that on here a few weeks ago EVERYONE said B&E's show was ont he upswing--for the most part we were slightly pleased with the change in direction--that's as far as I'd go, and I'd go as far to say that most of the people posting here remain hesitatingly optimistic about their writing. But you're pointing out a hypocricy that only exists in your paranoid brain. I do agree that if we even wanna give B&E a fair hand we have to somehow get rid of Frons and probably JHC too (as much as she's buddies with them I suspect, from their period at Loving, and what they've said, that they know the true history and style of the show better than her) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Y&RWorldTurner Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 To be fair, B&E's first foray into daytime soaps was as breakdown writers on GL in the early 90's, which is widely considered GL's last golden era. However, fast forward to 1997-2000, when they were head-writers, they did everything in their power to ignore history, create crappy new characters, and sacrifice GL's history. You'd think they'd utilize history better since they had prior history for the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kylie Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 I was just making a point, that I was branded a hater, not to long ago. I know not everyone was, in fact there were quite a few who saw what I saw and that's where the problem lied, it was one thread in particular that got VERY nasty and those of us who wanted more for AMC and weren't just okay with what we percieved as mediocore were ganged up on and pretty much told that we were haters. I don't know if you were part of that thread or not, that was directed at those who were in there, and they know who they are. I've never said that i'm a better fan then anyone else. If anything, I've been defending the fact that I am a fan of the show at all here for months. Mostly, I have trouble undestanding why I'm the bad guy here. Always for some reason. Either I'm never fan enough, or apperently now, to much of one. (LMAO). Just because I don't watch anymore, whatever I say is dismissed or attacked. Anyway, whatever, I'll go post other places where you can feel what you feel and not be branded on way or another. It's been real. Later! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Tishy Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 There is no reason for name calling and calling out of other posters. We don't tolerate that here at SON. Please take a moment to familiarize with the rules and guidelines. A lack of respect will not be tolerated here. As for everyone else, please respect other's opinions. Over the last few weeks, it has become apparent that some posters are calling out other posters, like Kylie, because they don't watch a show anymore. Just because someone may not watch a show anymore doesn't mean that they don't have a valid opinion. It is their right to express it and if opinions will not be respected, then warnings will be given Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NaVell J. Lee Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 Ok, first of all Eric, who gave you the right to gang up on this poster because she decided to express her opinion? With all due respect, you, and this goes for other posters as well, should not be judgmental and spew hatred just because she is telling exactly how she feels. If you want to talk about hypocrisy, look in the mirror, because you just did the exact same thing you claim she just did yourself. Kylie stated some points, valid points, and opinions, and you disagree. That's fine. Disagree, and move on. There is no reason to feel the need to bash another poster just for the hell of it. Plain and simple. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ryan Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 Warnings have and will continue to be issued for this kind of behavior. Thank you Tishy for handling this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members EricMontreal22 Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 Oh agreed--and actually I have a fondness for them cuz the only saop I watched that they wrote was their almost full year at Loving which I adored and the City, which after a rocky first 4-5 months was actually my fave soap for the last year it was on (and that was a pretty good time for AMC so is saying a lot). I know they have the talent--even if it seems it's been hidden.... or missing. Kylie i'll reply to your points late rbut I gotta say my post to you came off as way more snarky than I intended--I apologize for that. I do agree with a lot of what you say Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members EricMontreal22 Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 I didn't realize how severe th etone of my post came off--that's my only excuse and I apologize for the way I handled myself. I agree with Kylie a lot, in fact. I guess I acted defensive because I did feel like she was unfairly putting words in some of our mouths that weren't there--I now see this wasn't the intention at all. Sorry. Y&R Yah I see your point--I have some hope for B/E just because I really loved their time at Loving, and after a shaky first few months, thelast year of The City was wonderful I felt--and for a time was my fave soap on the air (seeing as AMC was quite strong at the time that 's saying something). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Kylie Posted September 28, 2007 Members Share Posted September 28, 2007 ^ it's all good. I'm sorry if my post came off as being posted at anyone, or grouping everyong together. My posts are far more pointed and bitter these days, but they're not directed at the majority, just the few who don't like bad things being sad about AMC. At any rate, I've contacted SON staff and am going to at the very least be taking a break from posting here for the time being. It's been amazing and really fun. And I'll never forgot SON. This place was like a second home to me for the longest time. I'll miss all of you and all that. Have a great time and maybe we'll bump int each other at other boards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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