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AMC: What would you do to save AMC?

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Well I think everyone here knows if I were in charge which character would be the first to be killed off :)

Also I would bring the vets to the forefront like Dr. Joe, Myrtle, Palmer, Opal (put her back on contract), Stuart, Marian

Put Livia back on contract and give her a meaty story (bring back Jamal her son and Reggie and Danielle all for a story)

Cancel New Beginnings and have Erica return to Enchantment

Forgot to add I would rewrite the unabortion and not make Josh the fetus :)

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Q: Who is Bobby Martin, who were his parents, and where is he now?

A: Bobby is the son of Joe Martin and his first wife, Helen. He

was sent to the attic to get some skis, and hasn't been heard

from since. He was on in 1970 only and apparently written

out because the writers had nothing for him storywise.

In an AOL (America On Line) interview in January 1995,

Felicia Minei Behr, exec producer for AMC, said:

Bobby was a character talked about in the first few

weeks of January 1970, the character only appeared for one

show, I think. During that show Doctor Martin, his father,

told him to go up in the attic and wax his skies and he

would be up in a minute. He was never seen again.

Agnes [Nixon] decided it was one too many Martins to

deal with and never referred to him except for one

letter from camp. He has become the missing link of the Joe

Martin clan and a source of amusement for all of us as

well as many fans.

At one point in time (years after Bobby disappeared to the attic)

Opal Gardner Purdy (Cortlandt?) was locked in the Martin's attic. She

was frightened by a skeleton. Was it something from Joe Martin's med

school days, or was it the remains of Bobby? Well - it was

wearing a ski cap that said "Bobby" on it! Yet aother sly reference

to Bobby was made by Jake (Joey Martin) on 10/31/97. A skeleton

was out at Myrtle's as a Halloween decoration. Allie Doyle asked

Jake if that was one of his patients and he said "he's just

another one of my older brothers."


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Too bad because, although Jamal never fully grew on me, I loved the tiny scenes with did get of him and Livia...

Yeha I meant Bobby Martin--although I can't even remember how Bobby Martin left (he was wasted...). Barbara was last seen with Sean confronting her to stay away from Jack and Erica--but she never got an exit or anything. Which bugs me for several reasons--one is Sean would still at least kinda care where his mom is--wouldn't he? The other is the sctress is very good and it was nice to see her back and if we don't have Mary, we don't have Brooke at least we had her to be a good sparring partner for Erica...

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