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ATWT's Terri Columbino Speaks Out

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I loved their relationship! I enjoyed her friendship with Alison but the rest of the Hughes were very much involved. In the little we see of Nancy, I want to see her with her family. I still hate that she wasn't involved with Casey. I would love a few scenes with Chris when he returns! The way she was used last week just to prop up Katie was ridiculous. As if she would really give those pearls to Katie instead of somebody in her own family! :rolleyes:

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Word! TC is no innocent victim of hateful fans here. TC was a bitch to the Matie fans who loyally supported her even as the Skatie fans turned on Katie sans Simon. Yet when Paul Leyden returned, she turned her back on the Matie fans, did an exclusive chat with Skatie fans and funded their board. She then proceeded to blame the Matie fans when they expressed their unhappiness that she never made an effort to do a chat when they were supporting Matie. TC has taken on the personality of a soap diva and she isn't famous enough to have one.

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PJ you know I love you, but it was stated in the magazines shortly after Sarah's departure that the hatemail she receieved from some in the Carly/Jack fanbase helped her in her decision to leave the show. I'm sorry, but when fans send threatening mail, wishing death upon you and/or your kids, that's too damn far and I don't blame her for leaving.

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For the record, I don't want anything to think I'm arguing or anything. But I know my post will sound this way....

God forbid an actor or actress show that they happen to like one pairing over another. It's not like Terri was at a fan event with Mark Collier, a fan asks her which Mike she liked working with the best, and she says something like "Shawn Christian because he was like the best Mike ever.".....while Mark is onstage (::cough::cough::Rebecca Herbst::cough::cough:). Actors have preferences too. They know many fans have their favorites and it's totally unfair to ignore one fanbase while promoting another (::cough::cough::Rebecca Herbst::cough::cough::).

I remember when all that BS went down between Terri and the Matie/Skatie fans. And IMO, Terri got a raw deal. They got mad b/c she did an interview with the Skatie board? Maybe the other times when the Matie fans asked her, she didn't have the time, and managed to have the time when the Skatie board asked her to. I'm not making excuses for her, I'm just saying.

There are people in fanbases that swear allegiance to one couple and one couple only, and if the actor EVER shows any interest in another, they turn on them. It happens, and I think those kind of fans give many a bad name.

PS...I don't think Terri ever worked with Shawn Christian, but I was just using that as an example (::cough::cough::Rebecca Herbst::cough::cough:)

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ITA with what you've said and that goes for any soap. I think some of these couple fanbases are limiting the actors and their stories when they insist that certain couples be together year after year. I've never hated CarJack nor been a fan of them but I hope the writers don't let a fanbase control the direction of CarJack.

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I never thought of it that way before, but erosion in viewership could also be attributed to these inflexible fans tuning out when their favorite couples are in jeopardy. "I only watch for Luke & Noah," etc. I haven't yet seen a show so bad that only 2 characters retain my interest.

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