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ATWT's Terri Columbino Speaks Out

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Reading that made me feel so bad for Terri. Its got to be hard to work each day and know that your work won't be appreciated since no one believes in your character or even gives them a chance.

Thats basically the problem when it comes to Jatie. Most fans of ATWT are probably CarJack fans so they've already assumed that they will get together and that Jatie is some random adventure that Jack is on...lol. It won't last long so theres no point in giving it a chance or taking it seriously (not like death serious but serious in the sense that maybe Jack really does love Katie or at least cares about her).

I really hope Terri doesn't quit the show. I may have hated Katie last year but it wasn't because of the actress. It was just the actions she committed.

I think Katie and Brad would be good together. Although shes already been caught up in the Trail of Romantic Deaths that is CarJack perhaps she can still be salvaged.

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I hope Terri realizes that there are CarJack fans that actually adore her. I was a diehard Matie fan (and no, I'm not one that goes writing nasty hate emails, or fan letters when I don't see my couple together) as well as a die-hard CarJack fan. I even stated sometime that it was time to break CarJack up.

For me, I'm not at all hating Terri; i just don't like the writing at all for Katie and Jack when they are together...sometimes it just seems forced. It was the exact SAME feeling I had when the writers were writing for us to be convinced that Lily and Keith would be a great couple....Some things gel, and some things just doesn't. It doesn't mean that I hate the actor/actresses because I do know how to tell the difference between character and actor/actress.

Fanbases at times just make me cringe; especially on some message boards. I know on one board I used to post at, I dare not post anything in terms of Matie unless I wanted to feel the serious bite of Skatie or Menn fans....Same went for those who wanted Justy (Jenn/Dusty), Musty (Meg/Dusty) or Lusty (Lucy/Dusty)...I agree that there are some fan bases that are downright nasty.

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I think TC came off badly in the interview, but I'm going to cut her some slack b/c it was conducted (and presumedly edited) by Carolyn Hinsey. Ms. Hinsey is definitely a Carly hater. Her Opinion column in SOD has been leaning heavily towards the Kack love and the Carly bashing.

I hope TC and her publicist have a little chat and she learns a little diplomacy. She really is in one of the most unenviable positions in soaps--the third point of a triangle involving a true SuperCouple.

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Wow...I can't believe people can side with an actress that sounds so arrogant and bitchy. Teri alienated some of her own fans when Paul Leyden returned, and now she's gone out of her way (along with Handmaiden Hinsey's help) to bash another group. (and let's not kid ourselves, she's painting ANYONE who doesn't like the Jack/Katie story with the same brush...). Teri said herself she was unhappy with the writing for Katie earlier this year. I don't see where the "writing" for Katie has improved, other than the entire town praising her for "being mature". She even said "she's getting Katie's spunk back..." I guess she doesn't recognize this "Katie" either.

And PS...Sarah Brown did NOT quit because of anything any fans did (or didn't do...) SHE had a SIX MONTH contract. She happily left NY to try and get some primetime gigs.

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The same goes for Kin Shriner fans...Some assumed that Martha Byrne (Lily) fans wrote negative mail and THAT was the cause of Kin's character being written out....Not the case at all for that either....Kin Shriner even said in an interview that there was nothing else left for his character.

Not all fan bases are the cause for folks leaving shows...some actually leave when contracts are up; some also leave at the writing of the script based on what the POWERS THAT BE want; not what fans want.

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Oh, I friggin' loved Kin Shriner. But the character hit the skids after Julia's death. Then TIIC hooked him into black market organ transplants. Kiss. Of. Death. The show could have used him opposite some of the older females, like Lucinda or Babs...but alas.

I'm continually amazed on how "powerful" the Carjack fans are supposed to be. They're blamed for everything from global warming to the rise in gas prices. Yet, nothing ever seems to go their way. Teri sure wasn't bitching when Skatie took off and kept her front burner for three years.

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