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GH: Week of 9/3

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Lol don't ruin it for me....I'm waiting till 10PM over here to catch it on SoapNet!

As for Carly I dunno whether to slap her or just simply laugh and move on. Its Carly. Thats what she does....however this whole situation with Jax and the rape is a lil stupid. I mean what are the writers thinking? That we're not going to see this as rape?

It just boggles my mind....how do they expect us to like Carly or even see her POV when her POV is completely stupid and unreasonable?

Yes I get that Jax walked out on you and YES he was wrong for that BUT he was raped and he in no way cheated on you. If you want to get a divorce at least man up and admit that its because hes not making you the center of his life...NOT because he was forced to sleep with a monster which he ONLY did to protect you and your brats! Despite how cute they are they are not worth the trouble he suffered IMO...especially given your complete disregard for his sacrafice.

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I just think RealCarly would've fought for her man. She's hated women in Sonny and Jason's lives for less -- so I don't get why Jax isn't afforded the same opportunity. All a woman has to do is look at Sonny, and Carly would be thinking the woman is horrible, in the wrong and clearly at fault.

But this time, she comes upon Jax all bloodied, bruised and beaten -- and she thinks Jax enjoyed having sex with Irina?

I'm over her. I'm over Laura and her Valley Girl, Head Cheerleader portrayl.

When LW said that ten years ago, she wouldn't have been able to handle the role of Carly Benson, I believe her -- because she's still isn't.

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God 30 mins in and I'm already sick of Lucky....

He had the NERVE to actually ask Elizabeth what she'd do if he slept with Sam? Oh yeah Lucky you're a trophy alright...LMAO.

Seriously this guy is beyond pathetic. Go ahead and sleep with Sam. Liz doesn't need you and your attitude today proves you're not even worthy of a gal like Liz. She apologized upfront and called out how they're in this vicious cycle and all he can do is continue the cycle...

Just let The Neanderthal sleep with She Who Shall Not Be Named.

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its easy to be quick to want to end this vicious cycle when she knows that he thinks all of her ish has been exposed. However she is STILL lying and they cant end the cycle and heal until she is completely upfront and honest bc you know what will happen? Lucky will forgive her and they will move past it only to have her next batch of lies and secrets exposed and this cycle will start all over again. She said today that the ball is in his court and where they go from now is on him, but no its on HER! Be a woman and fess up and then and ONLY then can they truly take steps to heal for the future. Until then she is only buying time till her bomb explodes in her face

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I've always found it pretty interesting that Laura Wright and the other Carly's were at least 5 years older than Sarah Brown, yet none of the actresses were able to instill the emotional maturity and multi-layered dimensions to the character that Brown was able to do.

Keep in mind that Brown was just barely out of her teens when she first joined GH.

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Psst....Sarah Brown, answer the phone when it rings, please! I want that Carly back!

Laura Wright's character needs a reality check. Jax was raped. It wasn't like he wentto a bar and picked Irina up and ravished her. She should trust him when he said he was raped. If this happened to Jason, you would not only believe him, but castrate every man who MAY have had a role in keeping Jason tied up and raped. Then you would ask questions later.

I would really like to see Carly without a love interest for now and see Jax with the underutilized Skye. They are HOT

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I want Skye to find out what happened and help Jax through it and backslap Carly for her treatment of him. I loved when GH built tehm up as enemies earlier this year but of course it amounted to nothing. If they are going to have Carly whine about Jax cheating on her, then give her a good reason to by catching him in bed with Skye

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You're only sick of Liz cuz shes everything Sams not.

Its easy to hate on greatness. And its easy to blame someone when they basically had no choice BUT to lie in order to save someone they loved and to protect their children.

Lucky in short did nothing spectacular today except whine and complain as usual. All Liz did was try to end the fighting for the sake of their kids and marriage yet you guys are still trying to make her out to be the bad guy here?

Please...thats worthy of LMAO. Lucky having any sort of crediblity while hes lusting after Sam and using her in this passive agressive mood of his is worthy of LMAO since in the end its just going to prove just what a scumbag he is. I wonder how you'll defend him once he sleeps with Sam or even better how you'll attack Elizabeth.

I can just see it now..."she forced Lucky into Sam's arms...the lying b*tch!"

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Quote of the Evening....


OMFG...that to me sounded worse than Carly's "You cheated on me!" statement which when I watched in real time seemed like it was just said out of spite. I truly don't think Carly believes that Jax cheated on her. She just said that to pick a fight. However feel free to disagree. Carly does make things about herself and this is just another case of her saying ridiculous things (half of which she doesn't truly believe or even

On a totally random note who enjoys Nikolas these days? Cuz I sure as hell DO NOT. Ever since they got rid of the Old Nikolas the character has been dead to me. Besides not even looking that good (by soap stud standards) he doesn't make me feel anything for the character. I just ignored his whole convo with Emily which really bummed me out since I enjoy Emily usually.

Sonny + Kate were awesome today. Loved the ending scene with them...God does MB sure know how to turn on the sexual chemistry when he needs too. I felt the heat as if I was standing right there on the terrance! Trevor what!?

Spinelli + Georgie = :P:D:)

I have a good feeling about this...Coop & Lulu plus Georgie & Spinelli? CLASSIC!

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Actually he said "No, I slept with maxie because I was strung out on drugs." and its true. He sure didnt sleep with her out of love, comfort or for the sex. It was all about the drugs and his addiction. Had drugs not been in the occasion, he and Maxie wouldnt have happened

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