Members IMissAremid Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Wednesday, Aug. 29DAYS OF OUR LIVESEd Scott's first day as Co-Executive Producer!Your classic DOOL picture of the day:And in honor of confined spaces... your classic DOOL clip of the day: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members brimike Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Wow. Eileen really raised Deidre to a whole new level, didn't she? I'm looking forward to seeing Ed's first full show. Although it wouldn't surprise me to learn that the Lucas car scenes or the Santo/Stefano scenes in yesterday's show were taped after Ed already started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Really nice music that didn't sound like keyboard at the first fadeout. Roman is still being hilarious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 The lighting looks totally different at the Brady home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KevC1980 Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I know a lot of us are going to be looking for a lot of changes during Ed Scott's reign with Days..But lets just give him a little time..I don't think he can accomplish all the changes on his first day/week of work..I think we are going to see more gradual improvements..But i'm just excited to have the show in more capable hands.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Toups Posted August 29, 2007 Administrator Share Posted August 29, 2007 Did NBC list him today? Global didn't. I heard it could be a couple more episodes because of how the show is taped (some scenes are taped out of some will be Wyman's and some will be Scott's). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members darraholic Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Wyman was listed for tomorrow's day ahead still as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members IMissAremid Posted August 29, 2007 Author Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 No. NBC didn't list him. It still said Stephen Wyman and Roy B. Steinberg. Weird. This was also the second Cydney Kelly script of the week. Hmmm. In any event, another fine episode even if it may not have been quite as good as yesterday's. Overall I LOVED the movement in this episode with the characters getting so nicely jumbled up and moving from a bunch of different settings throughout the show. That was something definitely missing from the Jan-April snoozefest. Even though Andre disappeared after the first act, I was still happy to see him make an appearance at least for the beginning where he took off that wig and snuck away. I feel like Thaao is channeling Anthony Perkins with Andre sort of. Whatever it is, I love it. I enjoyed Stefano's crazy about Santo visiting him, even if I don't fully understand what it all means, and Dr. Rolf made me laugh wondering allowed what sort of drugs Stefano was on. Also was nice to see Stefano get visits from Roman and SteveBo. I actually liked Lucas today which hasn't happened in forever and it was funny seeing him interacting with the shemale gym manager and Roman, even though I'm sooooooooooooooooo sad the drugs wore off. I liked Roman visiting Stefano and the keystone cops then realizing they effed up yet again as Stefano wound up with a liver anyway and their idiotic scheme to arrest EJ got Benjy hurt. I enjoyed the very different dynamic that Bo had with the light scenes with his brother giving him the "odor" and then the INTENSE scenes with Steve where Steve wanted to go all renegade on the DiMeras where Bo didn't trust him while Hope and Kayla backed him up. LOVED the music behind Steve's speech at the end in the hospital and that sort of lean in after he was done talking I was just like WHOA and on the edge of my seat wondering what Steve is going to do next. Also greatly enjoyed Hope and Kayla chatting about Kayla's fears about Steve potentially slipping back into the DiMera side. It's so nice seeing characters on this show have an actual heartfelt conversation rather than just action, action, action all the time. Sorry John and Marlena, but after seeing today's episode the fab four for me is now Steve-Kayla-Bo-Hope. Eek! I don't know what happened exactly but for someone who missed Steve and Kayla's original run and didn't really give a crap about them their whole first year back, after this past month I simply ADORE Steve and Kayla. Kudos to this show making me care about them. Loved, OBVIOUSLY, the EJ and Sami scenes. Even if I still think it's incredulous that this is the first time this summer we got to see EJ shirtless. Not that he isn't worth the wait and all, but still... I have to admit though in the first half of the show Sami kind of annoyed me with all her crying and whining. I'm so tired seeing Sami crying and victimized in damsel in distress mode and on the verge of a nervous breakdown all the time. I hope this isn't a permanent thing with "redeemed" Sami and we can get the bitch back when the pregnancy is over and her hormones are back to normal. Hope being the operative word. But as the scene wore on and EJ started to break down her walls it was just so fun to watch their flirtatious bickering. I've missed snarky Sami so much and one of the reasons I am so hoping that they explore an EJ and Sami relationship because it seems he is the only one who can get that out of her these days. It was amusing to see how conceited and loving all the attention she was getting as he was fanning her and later fiddling with her bra. Also fun to see EJ laugh and smile again as he teased her about missing him if he was gone and then calling her out for being much more fun in the past. Curious how Sami's prayer that she not sin was immediately followed by EJ getting electrocuted. Hmmmmmm. Overall, I thought the trapped in the steam room scenes were another example of something on this show that could have been campy and may have been silly or campy in the past, but was actually riveting to watch this time (very different from the ice truck debacle which was total camp for me). Kudos to the actors and writers and director all making that happen. Now I'm just curious to see where all this will wind up. I'm curious about what the fact that EJ and Sami get locked in a steam room while Lucas get locked in an ice truck with Kate means for that triangle. Is the show demonstrating they understand that EJ and Sami are HOT TOGETHER and Lucas should be LEFT ALONE IN THE COLD? Well a girl can dream, can't she? Also, curious how they have Steve involved in yet another Stefano organ transplant situation except this time he's trying to thwart Stefano getting his hands on the organ rather than being the hijacker himself. Just hope DOOL can keep up this great momentum even as they move on to less DiMera/Bope/Payla-heavy episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Toups Posted August 29, 2007 Administrator Share Posted August 29, 2007 Someone certainly gave James Scott some wrong info, eh. LOL Another great recap, IMA. This week has been really good. Lots of stuff happening and lots of great scenes. I hope the rest of this week is good. I heard next week is pretty good too with the TTS story ending. Keep up the momentum, DAYS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NYC123 Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I still find DAYS boring. hmmmmm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members IMissAremid Posted August 29, 2007 Author Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Stephen Nichols was saying the same thing that it was the 29th. So I don't know what the deal is. Maybe they are waiting to switch over the credits until next week? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MikeGoldy Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 You're right about the "fab 4" being Bo, Hope, Steve, and Kayla. Truly, these are the characters with the real history and connection. J&M are better off with folks like Stefano and Kate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Days4Life Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I loved today again. I like the mix of action and suspense and then the emotional stuff added in, along with some humor. A good balance to the episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members brimike Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I think the biggest issue (and why I agree with the above statement) with John and Marlena is that their history is so convoluted, it's hard to define them. And it's only because they've been through so many different kinds of stories and history rewrites. Whether it's John as a priest, or Marlena as a serial killer, or John as a diamond thief, or Marlena as a psychiatrist, or John as a mercenary, or Marlena as the wife torn between two men... they're all over the map. For the most part, Steve, kayla, Hope and Bo have been written pretty consistently over the years by all the head writers. (Well, excluding Steve, who wasn't on the show for fifteen years) I would imagine trying to get a handle on who John and Marlena are... even for writers who've been on Days forever... has to be pretty difficult at this stage of the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MichaelGL Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Four episodes in a row that I've loved the show and I've been quite impressed. Would have liked more scenes with Lucas in the car being tormented by the dogs, but I did like him a little bit today as the episode progressed. Roman should always be on drugs. I like him better that way. "Odor" lmao. Loved the scene where Andre realized that he was ugly as a woman lmao, and then removed the wig. Call me surprised when they showed Hope in her kitchen calling Bo. I so thought we weren't gonna get Hope today. Bo, Hope, Kayla, and Patch are kinda like the fab four for me, but I'm not gonna let Hogan get off that easy. John and Marlena's absence are almost glaring sometimes esp. with the vendetta storyline. I was nervous when Santo made another appearance today in the teaser, I thought it was going to be drawn out and simply rehashing what we had seen yesterday. However it was not. Santo's visit today was more eerie and a little creepy having him simply sit and stare at Stefano sometimes. Rolf made me laugh today, and having him be confronted by the Brady men changed my preception of him. When Stefano's out of commision, Rolf is sure to have his back and take over the reigns, i.e. getting his boss the kidney he needs. That's a loyal servant. EJ and Sami were great today. Sami at the start of steam room scenes was annoying, but as she let down her guard with EJ she became more likable to me. I was shocked EJ was electrocuted, I didn't understand that spoiler when I first read it. Oooo the he/she made a appearance today! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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