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Y&R: Uncasting Spoiler

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And yet we still have notColleen, William's evil twin brother, GloHo, Thunder Thighs and Lily from the Valley. Yeah....and you fire someone who is actually a well liked character in JiMin.....this show continues to suck on a weekly basis.

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Is Thunder Thighs Brad "Don't Call Me George" Carlton? If so, I always call him Death by Thighs Carlton :lol:

I can think of a whole list of folks that need not be on the show...but then if I start listing them, there would be no more Y&R...that's how bad a majority of the characters have become.

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Hmmm, pretty interesting that characters Hack Marie Lethal created are being written out. Is she finally under control? Does Sony/CBS realize the havoc they've caused?

I'm surprised to see Eric Steinberg go, because he seemed well liked when paired with Jess Walton. Does this mean Jill will move further onto the back-burner? :rolleyes:

Eh, not too surprised to see Deanna Russo go, since that's been reported for a while and that character was useless to begin with.

Anyway, Latham needs to go.....like yesterday.

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