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ATWT: Tuesday July 24 Episode

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Fluffy is setting herself up for a huge heartbreak....but she's so stupid that she will keep denying the truth as it is SLAPPING her continuously in his face.

Also too Katie looked really selfish (when is she NOT though) when she said she needed to be by Jack's side...Margo called her butt out big time when she said that Katie is only going to 'help' so she can keep an eye out on Jack and Carly's closeness. She also was dead on when she said, UM, Carly is the mother of JJ, Katie...but Fluffy fluff is too stupid to listen to any of that.

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Good show today. Isn't it obvious Katie is only worried about losing Jack. She was so transparent at the end with her crap about leaving. I loved Carly's look at the end. She had the evil eye towards Katie...LOL. It was nice to see Margo and Tom. By their talk about Casey it looks like he will be soarsed. I was so glad to see Margo finally tell Katie the facts. She sure has done a 180 from last time she talked to Katie. Margo was right on with Jack being husband #4...LOL...and only been dating Jack for 4 weeks...LOL(which is more accurate than what we are told to believe by Pissananante). I wonder if ATWT SW are roaming the SON board?....hehe

It was so good to finally hear Craig tell Meg to stop whining.....another thing I had mentioned.....ATWT script writers must be listening and telling Jean P. to (&(*^*&^*%&*%^&*.....LOL.

Tomorrow's show looks even better!!

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*rubs hands in glee* Looks like tomorrow is the day Carly will verbally slap Katie across her chops! Wooo-hooo!! I'm so glad to see Carly's patience with that bitch SNAP. It was bad enough Katie just had to come with them to Milltown, but how tacky to be kissin' Jack (and this is Jack's fault too..) in CARLY's living room! Then, to have FluffZilla storm into the farmhouse like she had any right to be there...GMAB. And to top it off, Katie virtually steps in to CARLY'S family, acting like she and Jack and the kids (two of which aren't even biologically Jack's) are some "unit". Did you catch how she said "JJ has to be alright, for you, me, Parker and Sage's sakes..." ???? No wonder Carly was giving her the evil eye!!!!!!

Oh, and "maturing" Katie couldn't wait five seconds after Jack left to double-check her engagement ring and make sure it was safe. LOL...Kiss it goodbye, bitch!!!

Oh, Jack...haven't you noticed how Jack artfully dodges Katie's questions with half-truths? JJ has been upset with him seeing Katie from the get-go, and every time Jack has had to "sit him down" and talk (aka browbeat) the kid into agreeing to give Katie some benefit of the doubt. Katie must think these kids truly adore her...it's not like she's spent any amount of time with them since Carly returned. If nothing else, I hope this kidnapping lets JJ stand up to Jack (in a non-bratty way) and say, "don't tell me I have to like Katie just because you do."

FLOVED the Carjack stuff, where they knew what each other was going to say, and how they were talking in the beginning like Katie wasn't even in the room with them.

I even liked Tom and Margo (which is rare), and then how Margo was aghast that Katie was even considering getting engaged this soon. Katie's not "in love", she's just going to grab what she can get her greedy little mitts on, and right now....that's Jack and his ready-made family.

I even thought Craig and Meg were tolerable...at least Craig isn't going to kiss Meg's feet and let her play the martyr.

Liked Henry and V, but it dosn't seem like more than filler.

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Ahhh, today was a relief!! I cannot wait for Katie to get hers!! It made me so angry when she said she feels like the children are her own. Whew child! I wanted to jump into the tv and slap her myself!! Why can't she listen to Margo. 4 weeks and then an engagement is a bit nuts. Think about it, would they be engaged now if Carly were still gone.......

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but how tacky to be kissin' Jack (and this is Jack's fault too..) in CARLY's living room!

I thought that was unbelievable!! Like hello.....your child is kidnapped and your apologizing to Caty and making out in your ex-wifes living room? What the hell was that!!!!

Did you catch how she said "JJ has to be alright, for you, me, Parker and Sage's sakes..." ???? No wonder Carly was giving her the evil eye!!!!!!

I was thinking yeah...like you really care....she spends no time with those kids now....its all my time with Jack (I'm puking now)!!

Oh, and "maturing" Katie couldn't wait five seconds after Jack left to double-check her engagement ring and make sure it was safe. LOL...Kiss it goodbye, bitch!!!

I laughed out loud at that.....I was thinking the same thing as you P.J....kiss it good-bye!!

I liked how Craig called Meg on her crap too....I was cheering him on!! They are really making her annoying now.....wonder if that is so we will want to see Paul with Rosanna instead...although I am so ready to see them come back. Should be some good drama there folks.

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I loved the Tom and Margo drama after their visit with Casey. Hopefully this plays out in to a story. I heard Scott Holmes just signed a new three year deal. I wish they would soften Tom up a little. He always seems he is about to pop a blood vessel. No wonder he had a heart attack.

Totally agree with everything about Katie. I must say if Terri does read the message boards like someone said earlier,it must be a real eye opener!

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She's got an entire interview in SID trying to defend Kack. The equivalent of "don't hate me because I'm with Jack." Uh, apparently she has NO CLUE this Katie backlash has been YEARS in the making.

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