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William J. Bell article from a 1998'SOM

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I agree. The SVT is how soaps should be written. There's just too many cooks in the kitchen when network and production executives get involved.

The only two soaps right now that has the SVT is B&B and PSNS.

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Agreed. Single-vision-theory is the way to go. If you trust someone (by hiring them) to write a show for you and bring up the shows ratings (because that is the point of hiring and firing someone, because you think they'll bring better results), then leave the person alone for awhile and see how things work. If they provide terrible results, then get involved.

I have to believe that Claire Labine and early Robert Guza Jr.'s work went under the "single-vision-theory" or at least a majority of it went that way. Soaps began to stink, especially the ABC ones (IMO) when Angela Shapiro came in and now have gotten worse with Brian Frons.

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