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Days: SOD Tidbits

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Ok, so they gather at BOPE's house for the picnic. It's like 2002 all over again. Great.

So, Philip thought the baby was aborted. That is why he never went to look for that child. Makes sense. The Shawn/Belle/Philip stuff is just what we were all saying in the other thread. Sounds good. I am all for this triangle because these 3 actors can handle it.

I have a feeling Stefano collapsing may be the Wimbledon cliffhanger. I don't know why but just a gut feeling.

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Well I hope they give us some kind of Wimbledon cliffhanger. I don't care what it is. I just want something BIG. Whether it's Stefano unconscious or the Bradys learned they killed Colleen.

Love more EJ, Sami and Stefano scenes being on the way! Their meeting at the warehouse before was great. Somehow I have a feeling EJ is going to be more on Sami's side this time around. I just wonder what Stefano is going to wind up doing to EJ because he is clearly planning something. Will EJ wind up taking a bullet to protect Sami and her babies? Will Stefano wind up locking him up in a dungeon like he did Tony back in the day? Can't wait to read the whole article after the Lumi report and the Sony one are so different.

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What do you want Renee Jones to do? The way she was taken out and the way she was brought in, the only story that they could really do with her is resolving things with Abe. James Reynolds is not available right now and won't be back until August. They can't put her in scenes with the DiMeras because she no longer trusts her family, and rightfully so.

I'm loving the Shawn/Belle/Philip triangle we're about to get. As long as it doesn't take over the show, this will be good. PHELLE love all the way!

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From what RJ said, they had to convince her to return..So hopefully that means a promise of good material..I'm hoping she'll get more involved in this Dimera/Brady storyline in the coming weeks..But with Abe in the hospital till at least August, that will impact her airtime..

I'm really looking forward to the surrogate stuff..Finally a new/interesting storyline for this group...I'm just happy they are back in salem again...

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I don't want Renee Jones to do anything, I do however want her character to have a more prominent role. There's plenty she could be doing and her airtime should not be contingent on James. Yes, she's distrustful of the Dimeras but it does not excuse the fact that we haven't seen her more. There could have been scenes with Stephano apologizing about Tony and there isn't ONE person that has come to visit her after months of believing she was dead. Total BS.

There are endless scenes that could showcase she's an important character. She's been in exactly two epsisodes since she returned with no follow up whatsoever. I have no idea why she isn't sharing scenes with the Dimeras since she is one even if it's in name only. She could be doing something, anything, but as it stands nada...

I hope her storyline does pick up, regardless of James but I ain't holding my breath.

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The SOD tidbits sound good. I'm really looking forward to the picnic and seeing all those who attend especially Alice, Doug and Julie again.

Why do they always say HOTN' S&K ????? I rarely see anything about them except for what was in a particular episode. Curious. It used to be Shelle but that surely died. Frankly I love Phelle. Always have, always will. Surely this baby is a Phelle baby because Mimi is not coming back, which she should if it's her kid.

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I looooooove me some Shelle. Enough is enough. Marry them and put JKJ in a new storyline. You have to shore up the next generation of Days (if there is a next generation, God forbid), plus it's been seven frickin' years since you launched this storyline. It's nearly getting played out.

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