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Do we really want to wish Adrienne Leon back to GH?

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Yeah, I've never wished anyone to GH. I used to wish all my GH favs would go to Y&R, but that days is done. I don't know what to hope for my favs anymore. I used to roll my eyes when people would say that daytimes is a sinking ship, but I'm quickly being converted to that viewpoint.

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LML is like the second coming of JFP, both hate women and do anything to degrade them. Quite funny considering their gender. :rolleyes:

I don't see GH wanting Adrianne back anyway, they hardly knew what to do with her the last time she was there, and I'm pretty sure they have no need for her now as well.

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Ditto. Why do all the teen girls have to be blonde? BL would add some variety. Plus I could really see her being friends with Lulu and she needs a female friend. She hates Maxie and could join that storyline since those two have history. With Dillon gone and Em possibly on her way out, the show needs a young Q grandchild around

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I loved Adrienne as Brook. And don't get me long, I'd LOVE to have her back. But I honestly don't see it happening. Canvas wise, unless they plan on casting another younger male, she's be seen about is much as Georgie is these days. I don't see them tearing Cooper away from Maxie, nor do I see Logan or Spinelli's attention being on anyone but Lulu. Milo was kind of just thrown into the Lulu's Stooges thing, and I don't see him getting any more storyline beyond what he's already been given. With Diego dead (Yay!), Lucas gay (whatever happened with that?), and Dillon leaving (he was her uncle anyway) Brook has no one to come home to.

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All good points indeed. It would be interesting to see Adrianne Leon back on General Hospital, but I doubt it. She has been on the two most highly reguarded soaps in the US in GH and Y&R and considering what has happened to her at both soaps it is safe to say that, unless she gets a fantastic financial deal at another daytime drama, she is through with soaps.

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what do u mean? As far as I know she wasnt treated badly on GH. They were using her and it was her choice to leave the show bc she got a better deal elsewhere

Thats what triangles are for! I really dont see Logan and Lulu being a viable couple bc there is already so much hate against them bc of the way he has acted towards her. Brook could easily be placed with him. And who says she has to be with a younger guy? If Emily goes out, then she could ended up with Nikolas
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I was thinking that Nikolas and Brook Lyn would be an interesting couple if Adrianne went back to GH, but I don't see her back on the soaps until she is off the steroids and has lost the extra lbs that she has gained.

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Hmm, I'm not sure how I'd feel about Brook and Nikolas. I know I and a lot of other people hated the idea of Nikolas and Maxie when they teased that, so I'm not sure how Brook and Nikolas would really go over.

As for the triangle Cheap suggested, yes I do suppose you're right. Brook was pretty bad-assy when she first came on. I could see her standing toe-to-toe with Logan.

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Weren't there rumors that despite Logan not being Patrick's brother, the show was looking to bring another Drake to town? If GH does bring on another younger male (which I wouldn't entirely oppose so long as he's related to a family like the Drake's (especially with Dillon leaving)) I'd like to see Brook paired with him. But at the same time, I'd rather GH focus on the cast they already have...

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