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Days:JKJ & Drake articles from SOW

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My thoughts exactly, Shawn. :lol:

They were probably like, "Well, Kristian, you know how you haven't had much to do besides the Bo/Hope/Billie triangle? Well, guess what; you're getting your own story!"

They're all optimistic about it. Kristian leaves Corday's room all excited. She walks passed Dee's dressing room and overhears Dee talking to her hair stylist. Deidre tells the stylist, "Yes, I just spoke to Ken. I told him that I need some time away from work for my kids. He begged me to reconsider, but I just couldn't. He told me that the would think of something that they would do to replace me..."

Freezeframe on Kristian's face as she stares in the crack of the door, furious as to what she just found out.


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Furious, Kristian storms into her dressing room. After picking up her brush and throwing it at the mirror, it cracks like forked lightning. Glaring into the once beautiful piece of glass, her eyebrow arches with malice.

Thus...Gina was born...

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I loved some parts of the Gina storyline.hated the beginning when Hope started searching for her past..but after she turned into Gina I really enjoyed the storyline.I loved all the Hope/Stefano scenes when they were stuck at the castle.superb acting,and the writing was good as well.Hope and stefano celebrating christmas,talking about names,hope,their lives..it was all really well done.and I loved Evil Gina in Salem,making Marlena think she had an affair with John,screaming at her and then threatning to kill her.

then the baby switch storyline started,and I started disliking Bo and Hope.like really,I was rooting for lexie to run away with Isaac lol.

Drake acting method..horrible.But Deidre's so called acting I cant stand anymore.I remember loving Marlena..and she could act really good.but now? Horrible.I didnt really missed John and Marlena AT ALL,and this week showed me why.I dont consider wierd head movements,gasping and moaning good acting - this isnt porn you know.

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and as for Drake's comments,they were really rude. I dont think it was a matter of who was on screen,but what stories they were in.also,when John and Marlena were gone for the summer if I recall their return did NOTHING for ratings.now,that the show is getting good again,everyone will say that John and Marlena brought the ratings to Days! :rolleyes:

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LOL. Can you please refresh my memory on this? I mean I know that this happened, but I think I just blocked it out of my memory or that was during one of my periods of not watching. Because I am too lazy to look this storyline up beyond the first page that came up when I googled it, which was this fantabulous 90s-era list of DOOL drinking games. Thanks.

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And Stefano never gave a fig about Hope. Stefano cared about three things. His children, opera & poetry, and Marlena.

Well, she offered to leave for two years (come back in 2000) so there wouldn't be much trouble of when she needed to be somewhere with her kids, but they didn't wanna lose her.

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I remember that. The J&M fans were all upset by Dee being off alot and they thought it was the show's fault as it kept promising story but J&M were never on alot after they reunited after Kristen left. I don't think KA minded that Corday and crew had no choice but to hand the show over to her. I'm sure they didn't say "Here you go, Kristian. We had no choice." That may have been what happened but they probably were more pleasant about it. KA has always been big so it wasn't like she was a supporting player being upgraded. It's just that she got tossed aside for Marlena and Kristen in the 90's. She had major story but Marlena and Kristen got more attention in their stories so it was jarring when she starred getting pushed heavily and Dee was off alot.

Whatever the case, Days behind the scene stuff is so interesting. They should publish a book or something :lol:

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IMissAremid, thanks so much! I haven't watched those scenes yet since I'm catching the stuff before it to get an idea of the context. All I can say is forget Shawn & Belle, Philip steals the spotlight every time! :o I am totally loving JKJ right now! It's great seeing the writing finally giving Philip more depth and JKJ is really doing wonders with the script. Philip also has a witty side to him which I love. He's the perfect root-for three-dimensional villain. I may have to start taping Days again! :D

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