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Days:JKJ & Drake articles from SOW

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Well, you could also make the argument that Kristen was just as much the star in the 90's that Marlena was. I have read on numerous occasions how the writers gave the show over to KA after ED left. That is why I think that them giving her numerous characters or personalities was an attempt at striking gold again like they did with ED and it failed miserably.

I see what you mean, Drew. You could say they did it to make her the next Marlena but Kristian playing all those roles/personalities/etc makes me more apt to say that it was more related to ED.

OH, and I remember that Soaptalk episode. Drake really gets into his love scenes :lol:

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Drew, it sounds to me you were a Jope fan! I hope so because I feel like i was the only Jope fan. I absolutely loved the submarine sex scene and I was all for MercJohn/Gina or Jope. Princess Gina was one of my all time favorite storylines even if it did drag on for way too long.

As for what Drake said, I hope he doesn't honestly feel like he is one of the better actors on the show. I think Peter Reckell, Stephen Nichols, John Aniston, Thaao Penghlis, James Reynolds, Blake Berris are all better actors than Drake. I think Drake is in the "minor leagues" with Bryan Datillo, JKJ, Beemer, and Brooks.

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But I never looked at Kristen as the star of the show. Yes, she became an icon, not because of the character of Kristen, but beacuse Eileen played all of those outrageous characters. I still felt that she was pretty much supporting Drake and Deidre throughout Eileen's entire run on the show. She never had her chance to make the character her own. She was always the spoiler to John and Marlena. And that sucks considering that Eileen was DAYS' last leading actor nominee for the Emmys.

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Oh, I was most certainly a JOPE fan. :D We were defintiely in the minority. :lol:

I was so excited when John won the "Who's the Daddy" contest NBC did in '00. And then when B&C came in and changed everything, I was pissed!

And Princess Gina will always be one of my favorite storylines. I don't care how long it dragged out. I wouldn't be uspet if tomorrow we started seeing hints of Princess Gina storyline emerging. I would be ecstatic!

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I love you Shawn, I really do.

I actually think Dee gets into the make out scenes just as much. Last week(Friday) or maybe on Monday's show Dee just about swallowed Drakes face when she was on top of him at the very end of the show when John was about to wake up from his coma. I was like damn Dee are you horny?

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I wouldn't care either, the more evil Gina the better. I think KA plays evil flawlessly and I would be ecstatic right along with ya Drew. Is it time for me to actually have a banner!? :lol:

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As talented as ED, she only became famous because of a casting gimmick that made her a pioneer in multiple roles. Before that, Kristen was just a typical character and an under the radar actress.

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I :wub: you too gorgeous :)

I did love the Gina storyline too, only cuz KA got to play evil.

I so remember Gina shooting Shawn off the balcony. I kept yelling "Oh god let Jason Cook be gone for good!"

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Oh, I agree with that.

All I am saying is Kristen helped drive the story that had a payoff so big that Days nearly beat Y&R in the ratings. Yes, Marlena was the big star but when comparing the 90's to what Days did with KA in the late 90's, I just think it was SSM and Days's lame attempt at trying to re-create the magic they had with ED and her many characters by utilizing KA much in the same way.

You could make the argument either way with Marlena or Kristen in relation to the Princess Gina story. I wouldn't mind if the Gina story didn't have the brain chip and all that crap. If it was just mind control or hypnosis or something, I would be down for it but that aspect soured me alot on the Gina story in the 90's. That is why I enjoyed it much more when real Gina showed up and the story lost the brain chip angle for awhile until 2001 when it was brought up again at Lexie's party. If they mind control in regards to Gina/Hope was more like what happened to Bo to make him into a mime, it would've been better because we saw him go through his indoctrination and so on. Hope was a brain chip and I hated that. Once real Gina showed up, the story became much more like a classic soap story.

JOPE sub sex was hot but it was soon after that where I started hating them. It was just like Jate. After they had sex, I just lost interest and the chemistry started feeling forced and everytime in scenes together you had the feeling they were forcing the relationship. Both JOPE AND JATE had potential but it just fell apart after awhile.

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I was also a JATE fan as well. I'm just so surprised it took the show so long to put John and Kate together. When Kate secretly got the job at Basic Black in 2001, I thought for sure, they were going there. I had no idea it would take 3 years for them to actually do it.

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Well, that was when Dee had all of those weird stipulations in her contract to be used a few days a week because her kids were at that age where she wanted to take them to school, be active in their schools, take them on vaca, and be there for them when they got home. So, they really had no choice but to have KA as their leading lady.

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