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Days:JKJ & Drake articles from SOW

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I like the JKJ praise. He has been good but those scenes were great and they finally are writing Philip right now.

As for Drake, I love him and John but that was very rude to say. I get that he is probably frustrated, as was mentioned in his other interviews, and that he has been through alot but calling co-stars "minor leaguers" is being an ass. Since when are MBE, SN, AS, JS, and BD minor leaguers? Or, how about MM or BB? They aren't minor leaguers. Most of the teens have been on the show for 2 years so maybe you could call them that but they know how to act for the most part. He came off like Thaoo here. Yes, the vets have to be on but Drake's absence was not the sole reason why the show fell. It was a combination of the vets being off, the stories dragging and being boring, and a pathetic lack of balance. Those words kind of make me mad.

Oh, and KA is looking great lately.

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I don't mind the eyebrow. He and Kristian crack me up when they do it. What I have a problem with is Drake's heavy sniffing that he does. And that twitch thing he does with his face. It's like he's having spasms in his face. He needs to have someone check that out.

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And speaking of the eyebrow thing that Kristian does, I'm surprised she still does that. The eyebrow raising was the indication that she turned into Princess Gina during that storyline. I wonder if Hope still has a little bit of Evil Gina in her. God, I loved that storyline!

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It was just so obvious they were trying to make Hope the star of the show as Marlena was during the early-to-mid-90s. Hope became Stefano's obsession, rather than it being Marlena. Hope was placed with John. I loved every minute of it, but Hope could never be the star of this show as Marlena is. Sorry.

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The Princess Gina story was alright but I didn't care for it until they introduced real Gina. The Gina story had potential to be great and it was mess. I hated all the satellite/brain chip crap and this was the beginning of Stefano getting watered down.

The story lasted far too long as well. I don't think it was the writers so much turning her into Marlena. It was more Kristen like to me. They had KA playing Hope, Gina, Hope acting as Gina, Princess Gina, etc. It got so confusing. In fact, that is my main problem with the story. It was confusing. JER set it up to be a great story when he left in 1997 and it started out quite intriguing under SSM and then it just got too sci-fi for my tastes.

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I'm not referring to the numerous characters she was playing. I understand that too in comparison to Kristen. It was just that Hope and Marlena pretty much traded places after Reilly left. Hope became the "star."

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I remember the special Soap Talk episode that was celebrating DAYS' 40th anniversary. Deidre and Drake were talking to Lisa and Ty and they showed a clip of the pier reunion. And you had John practically fingering Marlena's hair while they embraced. After the clip was shown, Drake and Dee were cracking up. They revealed to everyone that while Drake was running his hands through Dee's hair, he got caught up in her hair extensions and pulled out her extensions. Drake just needs to tone it down a bit. :lol:

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