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Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail


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This bitch has been stopped for reckless driving 4 times, and she hasn't learned a damn thing from any of it. She thinks it's all one big joke and that she's above it all because of who she is. One of these days, she's going to kill someone if she doesn't get her [!@#$%^&*] together and accept responsibility for her actions. When that happens, then what? Should she just walk because she didn't know that she shouldn't be doing it?

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While normally I wouldn't find it cause for celebration that someone is going to jail, this time I will make an exception. I'm so happy that judge wasn't starstruck and did the right thing. My grandfather was killed by a 21 year old drunk driver who was out partying on the weekend with a suspended license. When he was in court, he made the comment "So what? It was just an old man." I have zero sympathy for anyone caught DUI and especially for someone who has been repeatedly warned AND HAS THE MONEY TO PAY FOR A DRIVER!! Maybe (although I doubt it) this will teach Paris a lesson and she will consider some lifestyle changes. She's what--26? Time to start being a responsible adult. You can have fun without endangering other people.

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Just like her and her family to make a joke out of this and try and cash in on it. Gawd, they make me sick! Drunk Driving is NOT a [!@#$%^&*] joke! I lost a childhood friend to a drunk driver and another friend is paralyzed from the neck down because a spoiled rich kid who decided to drive drunk. And the driver only got her license pulled for 90 days and didn't even go to jail bcause daddy was a Judge and mommy was a Lawyer. :angry:

Harper's Bazaar should be ashamed of themselves for even making light of the situation.

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Not to be rude, but I'm about to get real frank here and if this gets me into trouble so be it, cause it is sh*t like this and attitudes like this that piss me the heck off. Her crime wasn't a big deal? Are you kidding me? She was driving drunk on a suspended licsense! She could have seriously hurt or even KILLED someone. Is the light starting to come on now? Somone could have died because she was being stupid and thinks she is some type of goddess. Now I know you are a fan but this is just ridiculous and absurd that you think that her crime is nothing. That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read in my life and trust, I've heard some pretty crazy crap in my day. Please pointed out where I said the phrase "I hate her" Sorry but I was brought up never to hate anyone, so why start now? I'm not jealous of her or her money. She can take that money and head right on up to Lynwood. I don't wish any harm on people BUT sometimes people do deserve their bit of karma. She is not the nicest person in the world and that is just common knowledge and she doesnt't make the best decisons either. I will damn sure use the noble route and I'm not going to let anyone stop me. And I'm sticking by that. Whatever, some people are still going to view her as trash no matter what and trust me, going to jail sure isn't helping. Doesn't matter what jail she is going to, its still jail, so she'll get to kick with the other fellow criminals. Let me put this out there for you, if she would have hurt someone, would have been a big deal? Better yet, KILLED someone? OR to put it all out there, lets say it was one of your loved ones? Would that have been hot? Nuff said!

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First off Marilyn you are totally wrong. Paris has not been charged for driving drunk with a suspended license. She had a DUI last year, which she was given probation for and had her license suspended. She was caught driving without a license. She is being charged because she violated her probation not because she was driving drunk with a suspended license.

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Paris Hilton is out her DAMN mind. This is what she has linked to her myspace that her friend did for her

"Paris Whitney Hilton is an American celebrity and socialite. She is an heiress to a share of the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as to the real estate fortune of her father Richard Hilton. She provides hope for young people all over the U.S. and the world. She provides beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives. "


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Okay say that to the person who is in the body bag the next time she f*cks up. That is the point, she f*cked up, got caught and she is going to jail. She is wrong for what she did and she needs to pay. I bet you wouldn't say that to any ordinary Jill or Joe who would be in the same situation but its the media whore that gets it and then its okay for her to do whatever she wants, right? GMAB! Its sad that people besides her lawyer, family and friends are defending her. I find it rather pathetic that fans are bending over backwards for her like she is the victim. So sad.

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Oh its Paris, didn't you know? She can get away with it because of who she is. Anyone else deserves to go to jail, but when it comes to her, roll out the red carpet. She is the best thing, next to the second coming of Christ :rolleyes: .

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