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OLTL Discussion: Week of April 23rd

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of April 23rd, 2007. There are a lot of interesting things happening in Llanview this week, beginning with Tate and Adriana's appearance on "The View." Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So, let's begin our discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live...
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I actually enjoyed The View part of the show today. Tate was cute and so was Adrianna. I definitely think shes slowly falling for him even though she doesn't want to admit it. And a while ago I would have been like, "Hell to that NAW!" but now I don't mind since Rex is on my damn last nerves regarding the Todd situation.

Umm since when is Evangeline PREGGERS!? And is there ANY possibility that its Todd's? PLEASE SAY YES. At least if she goes into a coma the baby might still live and we can finally have a Tangie baby! If that baby is Cristian's though...oh God forgive me for my bad thoughts.

Speaking of the Vega Demon I wish he'd shut his stupid mouth up and stop lecturing to Nash about whats right and wrong. As if he's a saint or something. Hes definitely done horrible things during his time in Llanview and I'm sick of him attacking Jessica and Nash each and everytime he feels like it.

Onto the 2nd Vega Demon....CAN ANTONIO PLEASE STOP SCREAMING AT JESSICA? Its not attractive. It isn't doing anything and oh oops...you're daughter is not in an accident because of your need to yell at your wife because you pushed her into a horrible situation that could have been avoided had you not pressured her into marrying you or adopting YOUR daughter. Because Jessica is NOT Jamie's mother no matter how much that child thinks she is and you shouldn't have encouraged that to begin with. The whole time Antonio was screaming I just wanted Jessica to slap him silly, apologize to Jamie for the hurt she caused her, and WALK OUT. Let the misery be OVER.

I FF thru the chldren scene. ATWT has the best teen/child scene of Daytime and OLTL doesn't even have half the talent they have.

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I think the Antonio, Jessica and Jamie scenes suffered from writer excess. First Antonio said he didn't make her agree to adopt Jamie. I think that is debatable. Second, when he pulled Jamie away and starting saying, do you think Jessica loves Bree more? Man I thought that was cheap parenting. Even Antonio wouldn't do that. LOL. Then you have Cris out there threatening Nash. Oh give it up, you ol busybody. Today was characters not being characters day.

The story just keeps getting worse and worse.

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Hey Scotty another week, here's to hoping its a good one.

So lets see I did not like it when it orginal aire with Tom Cruise and to watch it again was just a waste.

Layla gets on my nerves and needs her own storyline.

Time for Rex to Crash and burn

Was not all tha impressed about Todd/Blair. I did love the short Tangeline scene but what ever I take what I can get.

"Die Jessica" I can never forgive he for hurting cutie pie Jamie.

As for the teens cant watch but did see Cole I dont beleive that was him singing. I think he was lip singing.

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I hate to fast forward, but even Marcie cannot make the teen scene bearable for me. I hate it and refuse to watch.

I don't think Tangie have ever had sex, so the baby can't be Todd's. I bet there isn't a baby though.

Jessica isn't Jamie's bio mother, but obviously a little girl is going to make that leap when Jessica married her father. It's the role that Jessica has played in her life, presumably for months. If Antonio would just listen and do what's best for Jamie, Jessica could still have a role in her life. Jessica already said she wants Jamie in her life no matter what happens, but Antonio isn't hearing that because he doesn't want to.

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Goodness, I hope so... but even then, it wasn't great.

The whole beginning with Antonio, Jessica, and Jamie was just awkward to me. It seemed like Antonio was basically using Jamie to dig into Jessica that she's the worst person ever. And I wish Cristian would just STFU! Like he has any reason to talk, he basically hung Evangeline out to dry and slept with Blair; because he didn't trust her. So, as far as I'm concerned he can go to hell.

Todd and Blair... well, I won't repeat how much of a boring mess that is.

Adriana and Tate, it was okay...

Evangeline, pregnant? Please, what's the point of this plot point? I don't think it's going to come to anything, except an unneeded scene between Cristian and Evangeline... right before he pulls a Todd, and sniffs all on Blair.

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I thought Antonio looked liked an ass today. He seemed to be trying to put Jamie in the middle of whatever was going on. It didn't make him look good at all. As I said in the previous post, I don't even think Antonio would do that. I also agree that Cris should STFU. The angry Vegas syndrome is not very flattering. I guess OLTL is back to its hot-blooded Latino stereotype. Shame on OLTL for that.

Tate did make me laugh because I thought the Tom Cruise thing was so stupid. Rex's facial expression were funny. However, I miss bad boy Rex. This little wuss, doesn't do it for me. Where is manipulative Rex?

Good question about the Evangeline pregnancy. What was the point? She's not going to be pregnant, so huh why do that?

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My guess would be so she and Cristian can reconnect before Van is off screen for awhile because of REG's contract troubles. They are doing the same thing with Todd and Blair. She went to Chicago with him so they can reconnect before Todd is gone. Before this neither couple were on very good terms now they will magically be speaking and cool with each other.

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Which is why this latest round of TPTB's joke on couple Todd/Evangeline is annoying. I'm tired of this off and on mess that they seem to pull every couple of months with them. Do it, or don't do it... don't tease the people yet again just to ruffle some feathers, and to settle with nausating Todd/Blair and boring Evangeline/Cristian. They were okay before, all the unneeded drama that's amounting to nothing again is getting as boring as the couples getting back together.

Thankfully dead...

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