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AMC: Monday

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First of all, I just have to comment on the absurdity for Zoe burning her hand THAT badly on the skillet. The skillet had been off the stove for a while so it couldn't have been THAT hot. And even if it was, Zoe didn't have her hand on it that long to warrant all of those hysterics. :rolleyes:

Loved the Adam/Colby scenes, too. Ambyr has grown a lot. It's great that they've fleshed out Colby and gave her scenes opposite Bobbie and David these last few months. Nothing like working with professionals, rather than actors who are just as green as you (Sydney actress, Sean actor).

Leven was great. She sold the two characters. It's interesting to see her play someone reacting to Lily. Ava acted a bit startled when Lily went into her "Don't touch! Don't touch!" bit. Very smooth move.

Jeff Branson... I'm really not sold. You may be a genuinely sweet guy in real life, but your acting is grating my last nerve. Seriously. STOP WATCHING JACOB YOUNG AND TAKE IT DOWN TWELVE NOTCHES!!! Ugh! All of that monotone yelling and shouting. I don't buy into Jonathan's upset and anger, I just want him to shut the fcuk up and sit his ass down!

Cameron and Thorsten clearly couldn't keep a straightface during the ACS Looney Tune Merry Melody scene.

Ryan had like five lines today. Beautiful. Now, let's shoot for a mere three! Yes?:unsure:

I am not invested in Zoe/Bianca. Not only do I find the story to be a major cop out, but I don't get any "romantic" energy from their scenes. There's more sparks when Bianca is spewing rhetoric from the Babe Is Love bible she wrote, than these scenes with Zoe.

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OMG! Did you see how that extra walked past Zach and Kendall in the courthouse?! WASN'T THAT JUST THE MOST HORRENDOUS THING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN?! IT'S A SIN AGAINST GOD TO HAVE ALL OF THOSE EXTRAS JUST WALKING AROUND! I can't believe it! Can you believe it? Well I just CAN'T believe it! I am THOROUGHLY DISGUSTED by such a LACK of respect!


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I wanted to wait and get your opinion on the eppy before I posted, but now that I have, I'm still confused. I thought yesterday was a really bad eppy...

Adam and Colby were good, but it was just another person telling Adam to "GET OVER IT".

Zoe and Bianca - the story is absurb! Bianca is a trisexual, and Zoe's story was never really told. I know you are disappointed as well, but I thought it beared mentioning again.

The courtroom was a huge joke. Not only is Jonathan ridiculous, but he's living in one of his victim's house RENT FREE!!!!

Ava and Lily were boring, and Leven (love that name) is a really boring actress. I saw her on SVU, and she almost put me to sleep. But this is another story gone wrong. Why are both so accepting of one another so soon? I can see Lily possibly doing this, but Ava? Makes no sense!

Tad and Jamie as the forces against Adam? Hah!

It was nice to see Hannah, but it would have been even nicer had she more than 1 1/2 lines!

I hope this show gets better.


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I didn't necessarily enjoy the episode. I don't like anything that's going on right now. But I do think Leven is doing a good job, having studied acting myself the last 8 years, I know it's sooo not easy to play two distinctly opposite characters. For a 16 year old with virtually no training, she's doing an amazing job. Do I enjoy this Ava Benton Comes Out of Nowhere story? No, I think it's a joke. I think all of the stories are ridiculous. The Adam Revenge storyline went horribly wrong. The Zoe/Bianca storyline, again, is a farce. The rest of the characters just seem to be spinning their wheels. So don't mistake my finding rays of light in this overall garbage as enjoying the episode. I'm just trying to have faith that this is only a slump which will end after this transition period is over.

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