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I'm in love....with a married man!


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I hate when the good ones, and the ones you really could see yourself with are married. But you're doing the right thing. Just love him for a far, and know that at least you have him in your life at all. :) Most guys have NO idea what kind of singals they're sending. So he would probably be completely floored an flattered that you feel that way.

My ex-bestfriend had an affair with a married man. And I have to tell you, no matter what she says I'll never believe the time she spent with him (it eventually went from just sex to a real relationship, or as real as it could be considering) was worth it. There was never anything good that could have come from it and she knew it. But still went for it. The falling part I got, but acting on those feelings...why set yourself up for the heartache?

Just go with it one day at time, and know that's it okay to feel like that. :)

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It's definetly a difficult situation. Please don't do what I did though. Not exactly my proudest moment but I was young and dumb. He wasn't married but involved to the point where he was thinking of marrying her. I didn't care because I wanted him so much that I didn't care what it did to my self esteem or my reputation. Yes, I was the other woman, and I knew about her. It sucked. I ended it with my dignity intact.

I had always said I would never do that, go after someone who was taken. I learned my lesson though after my broken heart healed. It's ok to flirt. I flirt all the time and I am practically married now. Just don't cross the line. If you do, know what you are getting into.

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I think Id be so embarassed if he knew. When he told me I was the only one that loved him, I laughed and shrugged it off but it made me wonder for a bit, if he was picking up on any vibes from him. Im definetly loving him from a distance and its hard but Im not making it any easier by putting myself in situations where Im closer to him and spending more time with him. All I know is that being around him and talking to him makes me feel good but I know thats the extent of how it can go.

And this all scared me at first bc I never felt this way about someone in such a commited relationship. Ive had crushes to guys who were taken, but it was always a girlfriend and never a wife and I never took the feelings too seriously. But this isnt just a crush bc I actually have feelings, real feelings for the guy and Ive never been in this position. I've never felt like the other woman, so to speak. And if anything were to happen, Id be the other woman and thats not a good thing. Thats why Im confused, frustrated and conflicted

Thanks for sharing your experiences Tishy. Im definetly aware of the consquences which is why I would never even dare to cross the line. Ive seen the damage that can cause. One thing I didnt mention but I should add is that they have a kid together, a boy who I think is about 3. Thats another reason why I know to stay away
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