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I'm in love....with a married man!


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This isnt actually as juicy as the title, but hey I had to write something to grab your attention...lol. Okay the guy is a coworker of mine. I'm crushing on him big time. Its not love or anything but I think I definetly have feelings for him. Only problem is, he is married. He’s probably the closest person I am to at work and I consider him a friend. I started feeling this way a couple of months ago and at first I tried to avoid him but thats hard to do when we work near each other and frankly, I dont really want to. When he’s around I find myself looking for reasons to stick around just to be near him and joining in on conversations for the same reason. When people talk about him, I find myself defending him. He can have a bit of a temper sometime and I just find it hot. He’s cool with me though so its all good.

He has a great personality and makes me laugh and smile. His eyes are gorgeous ; he has a great smile and I love when he laughs. He’s very masculine and has a rugged look to him and he looks really good when he goes without shaving. I dont know why but I also am attracted to his hands. They’re big which is something I always notice. Plus he has a really hot accent. Physically, he's not normally what I would go for but I dont care about any of that bc its his personality that Im attracted to. I like the person on the inside.

Sometimes when he walks by, he'll look and give me a wink with his eye and I love when he does that. There are times when he'll touch me and give me a pat on the back or put his hands on my shoulders. Nothing big but just little things like that are things I like about him. A few weeks back, he even joked that I was the only one that loved him. I thought to myself, yeah if only you knew. There are times when I feel as if he’s being flirty, but he’s really like that with everyone and that’s just how he is. Lately we've been spending even more time together bc of overtime. I dont like all the long hours but aside from the money, him being there makes it worth it. It's all optional and he's one of the reasons why I even show up. He even wants me to show up earlier, but that’s only so I can help him out and bc out of the small group of people that do show up, I am the one he’s closest to and a friend he can talk to and be around. I know nothing can ever happen bc he has a wife. Trust me, I have no delusions about anything from him bc I know he only sees me as a friend and isnt interested in me that way. Just my luck. The ONE guy Im interested in and he has to be taken. I know nothing can ever happen bc he is married, but honestly I would be lying if I said I didn’t think about it. If only the circumstances were different. I wish I didn’t feel this way about him and I’ve tried not to but I just can’t help it. LOL…I feel like a tramp and nothing has even happened. My life could be a soap if things were just a little different.

So has anyone else been through something similar so I don’t feel like a complete idiot here alone

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Never love. I don't believe in love with men, for me, but I have LUSTED HARDLY after a married man.

It's the worst when your co-worker is the nicest -- IMPOSSIBLY ANGELIC -- person in the world, and you're fantasizing about stealing her hot ass husband away from her and screwing him for days. Even thinking, "Oh, give it to me! "AMBER" CAN ROT IN HELL, BABY!! BURN IN HELL, BABY!! JUST YOU AND ME!!! BURN, BABY BURN!!! DIE "AMBER," DIE!!! OH, STEVE...! OH, STEVE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

Now, THAT'S something to feel guilty for! :lol:

You're fine.

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OH, and maybe that's not the WORST. The worst is when you fantasize about SCREWING HIM on her grave!!! "HAHAHAHAH, "Amber!" We're screwing on your grave! You're dead and I have your sex on a stick husband, BITCH!!! AHAHHAHAHA, BURN IN HELL, LOSER!!"

Again, THAT'S weird.

Try to avoid that.

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But then again, it's also hot. Because it lets me know that I've "won."

Don't get me wrong, I love her and all. And again, she's the nicest person in the world. Buys me little gifts all the time. And food. She's just sweet as can be. And here I am having such evil thoughts!

On some level, I feel ya, Cheap!

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Actually, Cheap, who knows? Maybe he wants you and perhaps you should go for it, lol. Again, exercise EXTREME caution here, since you don't want to be bitchslapped with a gun by the wife, but perhaps he wants ya, too! Those gestures of him MAY be highly suspect -- or completely innocent.

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You're not doing anything wrong. You're perfectly human. Yearning for another is completely natural... it doesn't make you a whore in the least. We're sexual beings!

I say you should find out what perfume his wife wears, then go out one night with him for drinks. Put a little sumthin'-sumthin' in his drink, dab on his wife's perfume and make him think he's with his wife. Maybe even get a wig to look like her. Cut a hole in his condom, get him into bed and then show up to his re-commitment ceremony to announce that you're carrying his child.

Okay. Don't do that last part. That would make you a whore. 'Til then, it's all good.

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Interesting? Try frustrating!

Sometimes I wonder if he knows how I feel but I really dont think he does. I think everything is innocent on his part and he's not trying to make me fall for him. Nah I wouldnt go for it, bc Im not that type of person and dont wan to cause any trouble. If he were to ever be single, I wouldnt turn him away, but I wont be the reason for him being single.
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(And thanks for the ideas, by the way. I'm sure I can use them in some way to nab whichever hot ass I want at the moment).


First, that elaborate plot to get back at your old classmate, and now this?!!!



I love it!

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I see. Well, is kidnapping an option? Take a cue from JER, have his wife kidnapped in such a way that she "dies" but really is kidnapped and taken to an island (that way she can enjoy the tropics and not worry too much about her lost life with her husband) and YOU can swoop in and GET YO MAN!!!

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by the way you were saying that stuff, in detail nonetheless, sounded like u needed to smoke a pack of Newport cigarettes.

and Cheap...it is common. We all have at one point wanted someone we all know we cannot have. It doesn't make u less of a person, it makes you more human. Just exercise caution, tis all, and not overstep the boundaries. I know I did that, and almost lost Laura as my friend, but thank god that did not happen.

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