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Y&R takes place in the same soap universe as Another World

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Here's how:

ANOTHER WORLD characters Vicky, Jake, and Cass are just three characters who have appeared on AS THE WORLD TURNS.

We know AS THE WORLD TURNS takes place in the same world as Y&R because Alison and Emily have appeared on that show.

So the AW world is the same as the Y&R world, supernatural elements and all!

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Did you ever go on that website where it was revealed that something like 75% of American television programs were all the imagination of an autistic kid? Any show in the same "universe" as St. Elsewhere, and any show in the same universe as one of those shows, must be because St. Elsewhere was revealed to have been an autistic kid's imagination. ETA: Here's the link: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~kwgow/crossovers.html

It's kind of weird though... In 2000 Mitzi watched an episode of GL on ATWT. In 1998 the Reva clone watched an episode of Y&R on GL. However, Cass has been on ATWT and GL, and Michael has been on Y&R and ATWT. Huh?!

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Many of the shows have had characters cross over. this is nothing new.

AW & GL have shared the following characters: Cass Winthrop, Hope Bauer & Michael Bauer

AW & ATWT have shared the following: Mitchell Dru in the 60's, Cass Winthrop, Cindy Harrison, Donna Hudson, Vicky Hudson, Marly Love & Lyla Winthrop

ATWT & Y&R have shared: Michael Baldwin & now Allison

Not counting the many characters that B&B and Y&R have shared as well as AMC, OLTL, & GH. The crossovers on ABC go back to the 70's when Marcus Polk used to be on both AMC & OLTL as well as Steve Hardy coming to OLTL and Paul Martin from AMC going over to OLTL.

I guess all those shows take place in the same universe.

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Nothing can top the characters of Passions watching an episode of Passions, though! haha :D

So I guess the CBS soaps (+AW), just like the ABC soaps, are all connected.

And speaking of Passions, Mary Connell (played by Nikki Cox) from Las Vegas has appeared, which means those shows take place in the same "world" as well. And because Crossing Jordan has x-ed over with LV, it's in the same world as Passions. Even the older show Providence takes place in the same world because Eve and TC appeared in the series finale!

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Another World was originally conceived as a spin-off of As The World Turns by Irna Phillips but CBS wasn't interested.

She dropped the connection to the show when NBC opted to pick it up. In the beginning weeks of the show the Matthews went to visit friends in Oakdale.

Irna initially brought her character Mitchell Dru from ATWT but he had already played the role on her soap The Brighter Day before As The World Turns. Then afterward she brought Michael Bauer and his daughter Hope over from The Guiding Light.

As far as ATWT, GL, & AW are concerned and Somerset too this is a P&G thing/Irna thing more than anything. Irna/P&G just set up all 4 places near one another and P&G has just capitalized on it through the years.

In the same way even from the beginning Agnes Nixon set up OLTL (Llanview), AMC (Pine Valley) and Loving (Corinth) to be close.

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Wasn't it Agnes Nixon who was responsible for brining Michael and Hope Bauer to AW? Since at the time she was the headwriter for both GL and AW?

I also read that Irna didn't really know how to handle melodramatic elements of AW, neither did Bill Bell, which is why P&G brought Nixon in to help.

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Agnes has said many times that she was brought to AW by Irna herself.

Irna didn't stay on as headwriter for her shows but she still oversaw them and had a say in what went on. I have read many times that Irna is the one who send Michael & Hope over, and then later brought them back to Springfield.

I am just going by what I read in various sources.

ETA: Agnes left GL as headwriter when she came to AW - there were only a few months that she worked on both.

And yes Irna & Bell did have problems at AW but the biggest reason they left was Our Private World & Days from my understanding. And both were still very busy at ATWT which was the #1 rated show still.

James Lipton who replaced Irna/Bell was the main problem with AW - he caused many problems in the months that he was there before Agnes came on.

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