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GH Tuesday

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Carly is a skank! She's engaged to Jax so she goes and sleeps with Sonny bc Jax "abandoned" her. So Jax comes back and she throws it in his face like its his fault and then proceeds to flaunt Sonny in his face and kisses Sonny. But in the same night she goes and sleeps with Jax, only to get up and tell him he is now even with Sonny and Im sure she will go back to Sonny now. They are writing her as such a tramp. I dont like this side of her. She easily give it up and coming across as nasty

Pretty boring show today. Hopefully things get better

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FF through carly.

Enjoyed Sexis. can stand Sonny with Alexis. Remember the days where they we're just friends.

Mean Nik was nice telling them all off :D He just wanted to sleep..LOL

Alan, Tracy & Mr.Tracy Quartermaine we're good.

Jason & Lulu, eh?

I hope Jason does come full circle about AJ.

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I thought today's show was much better than yesterday's... I was fighting to fall asleep yesterday, but today it was more fun!

I really liked everything at Cassadine mansion. Sure, we didn't really move with the story there, but it was fun for me watching Nikolas being nasty to Emily, Lucky and Liz.. :lol:

Quartermaine stuff was also fun! I just still hope that they will make big storyline for Monica with that "Chief of staff" thing and that they won't forget about it. But even though I thought I'd hate ghost Alan, I find it entertaining... :)

Monica and Emily scene was nice, even though Natalia sure is smiling a lot... We can't have Jason smile at all, while Emily smiles too much... God...

I actually liked Sonny and Alexis talk... it was really nice seeing them as friends... Nancy was great as usual... :D

Should we feel bad for Carly? Cause I'm not! She really is a slut. I couldn't believe how she f*cked Jax and then left him, saying now he's even with Sonny. Wow, what a whore!

Jason/Lulu stuff was boring, but I did like her comparing his baby situation with her abortion...

Sam attacking Tracy was good and I am still waiting to see who this Amelia is and why does she have a grudge against Sam...

Anyways, it was a much better show than yesterday for me, so I enjoyed.. :)

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This show is back in the shitter. Didn't Lulu and Jason have the same conversation Friday? I used to like Lulu, but the Carlyfying of her makes me sick! We already have one of her, we don't need another.

And WTF is Spam's secret already?! Jesus, I don't have the patience to wait until May for this lying whorebag to be exposed.

Today made me see the only side I like of Sonny. Why must they force feed us CarSon redux when Sonny and Alexis just flow together so nicely?

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Lulu is just an annoying person now. She's in everyone's koolaid. She still has no room to get self rightous with ANYONE given the fact that she helped send a marriage on it's way to hell. I'm gonna enjoy the Maxie/Lulu showdown because I know they both will give just as good as they get. It's gonna be good.

Lucky, Liz and Emily should have known something was up with Nikolas. He would have NEVER talked to EMily like that. And the excuses he gave were pure BS, but I can give him a pass because he was scared and didn't want them to get hurt. But those 3 on the other hand are IDIOTS!

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I dunno, if they had characters just shut their mouths and sit on their hands because they too had made a mistake, it'd be really boring, not to mention highly unreal. Life's full of hypocrites, we're all hypocrites sooner or later. I thought it made perfect sense that concern for her brother would get Lulu to say and do as she did. JMO. If she hadn't said anything, someone would be on her back for letting her own guilty conscience get in the way of standing up for her brother.

Wow, Carly's kind of a ho. Okay don't shoot, I thought her reason for sleeping with Jax was kinda interesting. I know I know, someone who finds Carly interesting, I'm a sucker for Guza, huh.

The actor playing Craig is great, but I find this Nicolas subplot kinda lame.

The news anchor chick, her I find interesting. And looking forward to all the Quartermaine action.

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