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Flavor of Love/Charm School: Discussion Thread


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I love Larissa! I cant beleive that plan worked so flawlessly! She eliminated 2 people! Im glad Dara is out but its a shame Hottie was taken out. Larissa was good. It would be a hoot if she ended up winning Charm School.

I hated that Leilene and Brooke won. I want them both out. I really do not want to see Leilene win

She couldnt eliminate Hottie. She was safe that week bc she won that challenge. I think up until last week, she has been winning every challenge so she's been exempt from eliminations Edited by Cheap21
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But this is "Charm School." They're supposed to be learning lessons to make themselves charming young woman -- not pretending as if they're on "Survivor!" If that bitch wins, the entire purpose of this show will have been tossed out the window, LoL. If I saw her walking down the steet tomorrow, I would probably swing through the nearest McDonald's and order a large shake, then drive right past that bitch and throw it all over her from my car.

I can't stand Larissa because she reminds me sooo much of a girl I knew in high school, and I HATED her. I feel like I'd be watching a personal victory if Larissa got eliminated in a really humiliating way, LoL. It better live up to what I'm expecting! They're really building her up for a huge fall, so it had better be spectacular.

As for Schatar, Monique actually gave her props in the second week for "doing what it takes to win" by stealing the dresses! Why'd she turn it around tonight, tossing her out for something she did weeks ago when Monique knows through the cameras who was really responsible for Leilene's missing picture?

I hope Larissa is filleted next week.

Edited by Kennylicious
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If thats the case then Goldie would never have been eliminated. Charm School lost ALL credibility with me over that one. I say let them fight. Its much more interesting that way. BTW, Kenny, you totally just gave VH1 an idea for a new spinoff. Flavor of Love Girls: Survivor Style! Id love to see these girls thrown on an island and forced to fend for themselves Survivor style.

Thanks! The cha ching is classic Hottie. I tried to capture it here.. I look for it whenever she blinks and VH1 has been slacking with the sound effects lately

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If Larissa doesn't go home when New York comes on next week, this show sucks. There's no way Larissa will be able to keep her mouth shut with NY around. An if Goldie went home for being neutral and not adding any drama then why the hell is Shay still there??? All she does is hate on brooke when Larissa does, I don't even think she hates brooke.

Edited by EricaKane70
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Did anyone notice the editing on Monique? During that confessional where she was explaining Sapphyri and her fighting for the bed on FOL2, I was thinking I heard this before. Thats bc they producers cut and pated the same exact one from like the first episode. Didnt even bother getting new footage there

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Goodness!! Larissa is so f*cking annoying... but what she did to Leilene was an ultimate low. If it was the other way around, she'd be making sure that everyone knew that she was the victim. So, for her to do it to someone else is just wrong.

This episode has me liking Leilene a bit more, she didn't go all off on anyone about what happened... even after Schatar was trying to turn everyone against her.

Stealing some dresses for a competition is way different than stealing a picture (of a deceased mother and children) for no real reason... than to just rattle some chains.

Edited by poohbear19
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This sucks!! Monique could have rolled back the cameras to see who stole the picture...I hate it my two faves gone in like two weeks, back to back: Goldie and Darrah!!!!

Mo's Charm School blows. lol.

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yeah Mo looked dumb especially since Flav rolled back the tapes when Sappahyri got into a fight and he wanted to see what was up. BUT I can see why they didnt from a production standpoint. The stealing is going to be carried into next week and you know that has alot of potential drama with Larissa and the whole house. That is more interesting than if they had just resolved it on tonight's show

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"They should have brought me back that same night after they reviewed the tapes and kicked out the two girls responsible for the bold faced lies."

Is that a spoiler? Do Larissa and Shay get the boot?!

Meanwhile, I'd LOVE to see her on her own series! OMG. I would be in heaven... she's just so unreal, I'd have to watch! She reminds me somewhat of Janella from Big Brother, just so cartoon-ready.

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