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GH: Monday

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I figure since the '24' storyline is basically over, I'll start a new thread for today's show.

Liz and Lucky are making me tear up - I've always loved those two together and have always been rooting for them. Jason needs to get out of the picture. Anyway these scenes are great today.

Everything Alan is great today too. The scene with Alan and Edward were awesome...

Sad day in Port Charles!

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Hey alwaysAMC, I thought the same thing. I started a GH thread, I will have a Mod delete it.

Anyway Liz is getting on my nerves. I felt really bad of Lucky because he was pouring out his heart and yet she can't tell him the truth. Two weeks ago she was in love with Jason and jealous of Sam. Today she remembers that she loved him since she was 15 BEFORE Jason came into the picture. Today she was acting like the Liz of old ALMOST. If she would tell the truth, than everything will be ok.

Liz -> Stop being a Flip-Floper

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Lucky is too good for that WAY TOO fertile skank! Once these PC bimbos sniff out the mob, they treat the rest of the world like trash.

Yes Lucky made a big error, but Jason is a killer, and Luza is going out of his way to make Jason look like the better man.

This is AJ Quartermaine all over again. Compromise the integrity of every character to shill Jason...

Don't get me wrong, Steve Burton has the best bod in daytime, but he's a lackluster actor and everyone loses around his character. That is just wrong. JASON'S A FREAKING KILLER!


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Yes! Lucky finally let go of her. This is hte moment Ive been waiting for. You are probably thinking what the hell am I talking about. Well for the past few months, he's been pretty much apologizing and trying so hard to win her back and make things up. Lucky isnt the problem here. Liz is hte only reason why they arent together. She wass holding back and theres that saying you dont know what you have till its gone. Im glad that it forced her to realize what she has lost. Our LnL2 is back! She finally forgave him. Loved when she forgave him and said she wanted to get married! Liz is back. The REAL Liz! LOVED her today and loving my couple. They rock!

You know Im hard on her but its not bc I hate her, no its bc I love her. Its just been so hard watching her over the past couple months and she's been such a dissapointment and felt like a pod person. I did not recognize her at all, but I saw my favorite character come back and I felt like crying along with her when she saw the Lucky she loved since she was 15 just like for the first time in a long time I saw the Elizabeth I loved since I was 13. I was on the same wavelength as her and when she said she forgave Lucky I thought to myself, I forgive you too. All she needs to do now is tell him the truth and I can see she's scared bc she does not want him to reject her. I feel bad for her in that sense bc it will hurt him but she needs to have more faith. He loves her and isnt about to blow this 2nd chance with her over the secret.

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Yes, once she tell's him the truth then she will be the Liz of Old. The scene was good, but I couldn't clap for it, knowing that she was not going to tell him the truth. Once SHE tells the truth, then I can root for her and Lucky or at least I can root for her. I believe that once Lucky gets over the hurt and shock he would be able to love Jason's baby just like he loves Cam.

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I just got to watch this episode and it was a good one!

I loved all the Alan stuff. It was sad. :( And when Emily came in and we realize with the other characters that Alan died, I was really surprised! I mean, I knew that he'd die, but I just didn't know they were doing it sort of off screen. It was really sad and all the reactions of Tracy, Ed and Monica were great and heartbreaking. Actors really did a great job! And I was actually sad for Jason as well. He missed out saying goodbye to his father because he had to play gunmen with Craig...

But the highlight of this episode for me were Lucky and Liz! How I love them! I was totally shocked when he said he's letting her go! And then she showed up and told him all those things... I was sooooo happy! It was a wonderful scene! And while I'm anxious for her to tell him the truth, I don't think that will happen. I think Lucky will find out some other way and then he'll dump Liz again... :( But I'm not gonna think about that now... this was a happy L&L2 day, so I am gonna enjoy it.. :)

Nice eppy before going to bed... :D

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