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PSNS: Monday February 26

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EXCELLENT show today!!!!

There were 3 main highlights for me.

- Sheridan/Chris: It was so great to finally see them have it out. I actually kind of like Chris now. He's not as boring as he used to be. Sheridan is looking more and more suspicious. Goodness, I love Mackenzie Westmore!

- The He/She: HOW CREEPY!!! What in the world?!! I don't even know what to say. JER just has twist after twist with this story and I love it!

- The Accomplice: What a great ending. From the looks of it, the second stalker is a woman-- Sheridan is the obvious choice, but is she too obvious? And would JER really end the show with his heroine of 8 years turning to the dark side? I'm hoping that it's Beth.

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Where was this so called love for Kay 3 years ago? Miguel is full of crap and I hate that they've ruined Fox and Fox/Kay to prop him up. The guy is a deadbeat who didnt give 2 shits about Kay but now he loves her and Maria and wants to be the perfect family. Puh leaze. He's only settling for her bc he couldnt find Charity. I wish he'd just buzz off and leave Kay alone already. She finally found happiness and he just had to screw it up

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ITA with pretty much everyone in this entire thread today!!!!! God, I just cannot stand Miguel, and you pointed out exactly why!!

Chris and Sheridan's fight was intense! Finally Chris is interesting

I hope the stalker in the white gloves is Beth...what this stalker is doing to Fancy is very akin to something Beth would've done to Sheridan in 2003.

I like Chad's down low story...It's an interesting twist for the character. I like the idea that he found this man while he couldn't have Whitney. That was the perfect scenario for him to discover his own homosexuality!

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I dont want it to be Beth. I think it would be a cop out. They should just say this is Sheridan and she's snapped. I think MW is finally owning the role and doing great with it (even if Sheridan is working my last nerve) I dont want them to say oh its Beth and Sheridan is really sweet and nice. No, she's a biyatch now and a psycho. She's a Crane and I want them to embrace her new role as a villianous. I dont want them to go back on it

I have to say Sheridan makes me feel sorry for Chris. He's supposed to be the shady one, having worked for Alistiar and keeping secrets from her, but psycho Sheridan makes me forget that and makes me have no sympathy for her as far as Chris' deception goes

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Oh, i disagree. Fox is the one whos obsessed. Miguel, as any young man would who is wrongfully accused, is FIGHTING for his love.

Whats so wrong with that?

And I have to comment right now -- this must be a post-cancellation episode. (Sorry if I didnt get the memo when those began)...Adrian is having Miguel cry.

You can tell something has changed.

Im impressed by that tear. SO shocked by it.

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