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OLTL Discussion: Week of February 19th

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The show finally seems to be showing progress after being in a depressing hole for years and I'm wondering if I should be optimistic that Ron Carlivati has been promoted to Co- HW. Apart from being responsible for the Walker/Todd reveal, what other key storylines or at least outlines can be attributed to him?

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I wasn't surprised at all by Miles being Mitch Laurence's brother... I remember after seeing that he was connected to someone in Llanview, that I assumed that he would be his brother.

I'm tired of Adriana's role in this Tommy storyline. If I didn't suspect that Michael would be the first one to crack (my speculation: after he's arrested and put on trial for Spencer's murder... he'll blurt it out in court), she would be my first guess. Her "us against everyone" and "we're in this together" speech sounds dumb coming from her, especially since she did little to nothing in it, but guilt Rex every step of the way into telling her what's going on.

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I like the Miles connection to Mitch. I look forward to seeing how Jessica enteracts with him. I also want to see Viki, Clint, Todd and Blair's reaction. I really like Todd and Jessica together. They do seem to bring out the best in one another.

This week I'm very much looking forward to Jess and Nash and hoping for more Clint and Viki. I hope we don't go a full week without a return to Nora. Is there any chance the arsonist could be Daniel?? I don't know, however, why he would be going after Cristian and Antonio.

I think Rex is a turd for what he is doing to Todd. I would have liked it had it been Rex the bad boy, but right now it's Rex playing God and he doesn't have that right.

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This show has undergone a DRAMATIC transformation, and I NEED to know what is behind it, LOL.

The first section before the theme music today did more for me than entire episodes have done at certain points!

For instance, this little discussion with Miles and Jessica about Clint being her "real father" is the stuff that should always be included in dialogue, but we wouldn't have seen it last year.

Kathy Brier is so good; it's easy to forget! She is making me feel so bad for her today as she asks Michael to tell her the truth about Spencer's murder. I can only imagine how good she will be when Marcie learns the truth about Tommy!

I am loving Evangeline and Todd. I could get behind a really well-written triangle with Blair, Todd, and Evangeline ... or even a quad, if Blair and Cristian hooked up: that would be hot. But in order for this to happen, they would have to go ahead and do Nash and Jessica, so that we have a couple of strong couples to make up for T&B being on hiatus.

We have also been seeing more of Roxie later, which is WONDERFUL!

However .... again, no Nora, LOL. This smacks of Higley and reminds me of the episode in which Margaret stabbed Todd with the scissors in Asa's guest house, and then we didn't see them again for two days, LOL.

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Do you like Bree Williamson? I think she is so damned good, and I am SURE part of that comes from working with Erika.

Kathy Brier is killing it today, too. We really have the best actresses on this show, I think.

I agree that I like the Clint/Viki connection with Miles.

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Did anyone catch Natalie casually metion today that Nora and Matthew were staying with her grandpa?

I knew they would be staying with Asa, but I was hoping they would show that happening instead of having Natalie tell us about it.

The previews for tomorrow look good....especially Clint telling Viki he wants her to spend the night. :)

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Well I know I am happy I got my Tangeline kiss and boy it was all that I wanted. I have patiently been waiting for 4 years for this. I was smiling all over my job today.

I cant wait to see where this goes. TSJ and Renee brought it and sold it for me. Now the problem is I want more.

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I too enjoyed their kiss today. These two were doing some serious close talking. :lol: No wonder they ended up in a kiss.

Scotty I'm sure we'll see Nora and Matthew at Asa's at some point.

I have to say I like Miles. So far they have done a decent job introducing him.

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Scotty - may not get to see Asa inviting them to live there but I think Asa is the one who tells Viki and Clint.

Today's show was good - M&M scenes were excellent and the Miles/Jess convo was interesting. I'm liking this Miles guy (can't wait to see Viki's/Clint's reactions and Natalie's since he's her brother-in-law or former/ex brother-in-law).

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That preview had my mouth literally dropping to the floor. I loved it!! Don't know if I liked Clint asking Viki to stay the night or Viki's expression better. LOL.

Really enjoyed the Jess and Miles scenes, even though I still believe that Miles isn't telling Jess the entire truth, he so has something up his sleeve.

I've been waiting for the Todd and Vangie stuff, but some how I was a tad disappointed. Oh well, maybe it'll get better.

Loved the Marcie and Michael stuff, and I loved that she kept on and on until Michael told her some of the truth. So Michael thinks he is protecting Rex, and Rex thinks he is protecting Michael and John thinks Michael killed Spencer. Oy vey.

I SO cannot wait for the Viki/Clint stuff tomorow.

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