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OLTL Discussion: Week of February 19th

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I think that if any woman in Llanview is a bitter shrew, it's Dorian. That woman has been a hateful old witch for years. But that's part of the reason why I love her. And Robin Strasser is great!

And I agree that Blair is treating Marty too harshily. Someone does need to knock her down a couple pegs and off of her pedastal.

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I know what you mean!! :lol:

I just watched Friday's show and it was pretty good. I love Nelly Furtado, so it was good seeing her. I loved the little ending montage with Cole/Starr, Todd/Vangie, Jess/Nash, and the arsonist.

I do NOT like this Todd/Evangeline pairing. If only Margaret knew about it...

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Are you talking about all the 'historical' references? I've really enjoyed, and appreciated, those - such as Matthew being sad over losing Jen's pictures and tapes, and Bo subsequently suggesting asking Will, Lindsay, or Rex for pictures; Talia and Bo discussing Drew. But all these references have come when two history-driven storylines are coming into play: Marty and Miles. So it makes me wonder if the writers were reading the history pages and books, and while doing so picked up a few facts they decided to incorporate into the show.

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The historical refernces are nice. There were a few others like when Viki and Lindsay discussed the loss of their daughters and Viki talked about Megan and lupus. Also of course the Mitch Laurence stuff too. Also when Cole talked about Patrick and his love of poetry.

But I was also referring to other little things. Like they are starting to explain where people are more. For example, instead of us having no idea where Bree or Jamie are while Antonio and Jessica are out somewhere, they have started mentioning that they are with Carlotta. Just little things like that. Or they'll say Lois let me in at Llanfair, or Renee told me at the Palace. Just little things like that to help explain where some people are even if we don't see them that much. There was one Friday about where Dr. Crosby was. It just helps fill in the gaps.

And they are placing together people who never really had scenes together much in the last year or two....

Blair/Cristian, Michael/Adriana, Marcie/Todd, Asa/Viki, Viki/Lindsay.....and they are remembering the connections between others and we are seeing more family and friends in scenes together--like Jessica/Todd, Viki/Todd, Lindsay/Dorian.

Also, did anyone catch the plug for the Oscars on Friday's show? It was when Rex and Adriana were talking to Antonio. Rex mentioned something about he could send Nelly Furtado down to UV to sing, and Antonio responded by saying that UV was going to have a big Oscars Party on Sunday and how people would be lined up to get into the party. As best I can recall, OLTL seems to throw in an Oscars plug every year.

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I see what you mean, Scotty. They did this for a while with Lindsay. Marcie would mention Lindsay was watching Tommy, yet we hadn't seen Lindsay in months. I think throwing in those lines are nice because they don't take up a lot of time, but they make everything seem more real.

As for the Oscar mention, I always enjoy cross-promotion. Have we seen UV recently?

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You're right, and they used to do it with Asa (when Phil Carey was sick) and RJ too.........it does make it seem more real, and it also shows us that they are paying attention to detail on certain things. I love those little mentions because it reminds us that, while we may not see them very often, these characters are still a part of Llanview.

I can't remember the last time we saw UV. Seems like everytime a big musician comes to town any more they always show up at Capricorn.

I remember seeing Lifehouse perform at UV on Valentine's Day last year when Michael was proposed to Marcie....but off the top of head, that is the last time I really remember seeing it.

I remember when they used to promote Disney movies too by having the babies of Llanview playing with stuffed animal characters from the movies.

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They may have done it this week....I remember when they did it a couple years back when someone was little too, although I can't remember who at the moment. Perhaps it was Jamie or Ace. Hmmm... Now that's going to bug me until I figure it out. :P

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I know this is in the wrong week but I HAVE to comment on OLTL's Valentine's Day episode. It has been a while since we had one of OLTL's themed episode and the way they incorporated everyone into it was brilliant. The whole episode had a classic soap feel and this is something that OLTL does only so well. It's so nice to see soaps TRY like OLTL is. THIS is what people watch soaps for. A combination of everything.

And Nelly was wicked. OLTL is just kicking it right now!!

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