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OLTL Discussion: Week of February 19th

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Here's a quck question to anyone who has last Friday's episode on tape...

In the closing credits, did anyone catch the name of the actress who portrayed Donna Johnson the other day?

My VCR acted up during that part of the show, but I believe the woman's first name might be Laura or Lauren.

Thanks. :)

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Oh. My. God. I got me a Viki/Clint kiss today. :P I just love these two together and today was the first time since NYE that I thought of them as a couple. As much as I hate the intrusions I did have to giggle at Asa and all his blustering and then doing the happy dance out of the room because he was happy to realize that C/V were together.

As much as I'm not a Cris fan, I actually enjoyed his scenes with Jess today, and I refuse to feel bad for Jess because the girl should never have gotten married so soon after integration.

I do understand that Todd thinks he's lost another son, but I do not like this weepy, whiny Todd. I really don't. I want the Todd back that you never know what he's going to do next.

Tate/Nash. Why?

My heart went out to Matthew today and I thought Eddie Alderson did one hell of a job.

Surprised to see my girl on tomorrow. Wow, two days in a row...

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Viki and Clint was the romance on the show today. Their kiss was awesome because it was pure love going on there. This is what romance is-love and Viki and Clint have it in spades. Although Asa busting them up was fun and he is now totally on team Viki, so go Asa. I want so much more for Viki and Clint and so much more from them. I hope they really get to move on together now, because they definitely have major feelings for one another.

Todd is boring as can be.

Cris was good, but why he is going over the top here?

I like Micheal but still hate his brooding boring bro.

Matthew and Bo were the other highlight. It will be fun to see Asa and Nora and Matthew at the mansion. And hopefully Viki and Clint and Bo and the whole Buchanan crew.

Give me more Viki and Clint please! :)

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I so love the Vicki and Todd scenes. I just love the vibe I get from them. I also love Todd's comment about Miles. It never fails that he would say something funny.

14 times you have called Vangie Todd, dam are you sprung or what. LOL

The Crave scenes were not half bad. I mean Cris said everything I have been saying since March. Why does she care so much and didnt you do anything about the kiss after it happened.

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Loved everything.

Love my hot men Cristian and Nash.

Love my girl REG doing a FANTASTIC job today.

Loved, loved, loved my girl Blair singing: exceptionally lovely. Love her reaction to Cris saying Todd kissed Van. Bring on the REG/KDP scenes.

And best of all: Viki and Todd, with a little bit of Jessica thrown in. And Uncle Miles!

Bree Williamson is rocking lately ... she's got the looks, she's got the talent.

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It is so good to hear everyone giving OLTL such rave reviews lately. I know that for a long time there wasn't much good with this show. But I don't know who's been writing this stuff lately, but there have been improvements in the show. A lot of little things on this show seem to be much better these days. I love it. :)

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Loved the Viki/Todd scenes, but I always do. This sister/brother relationship is one of the best on the show, and its always a pleasure getting scenes with the two of them. Todd was funny when Jess bought Miles over and introduced him to Viki, the way he stood behind Viki laughing was priceless, and so Todd.

Cris needs to take a chill pill.

Michael sure was rather harsh with Natalie.

Just can't get behind anything Marty.

I usually don't care for the singing on the show, but Blair's song was pretty good.

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I'm loving OLTL right now. I like Miles and I hope he doesn't turn out to be the next psycho to hit Llanview. I think it's kind of sweet that he's so eager to claim Jess as his niece.

I like the whole Crave/Todd dynamic.

I'd like to see more of what's going on with Nora right now. The kid who plays Matthew has been doing so well.

Still loving Jess and Nash. I can't wait to see what happens next with them.

I loved Blair singing today. I wish they would hook her up with Cris for the medium term or even Nash for just a couple of months.

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i enjoyed all of the Miles scenes. He and Jess are great together. I believe Uncle Todd was a little jealous of his niece's new uncle. I hope he isn't slime because I like Jess and Miles and I certainly don't want her to return to Jess the Victim. Next week's rescue is going to be enough reminder of the bad ol days. LOL.

I'm so glad we are going to get to hear Blair sing more. KDP is great.

Like so many others, I'm ready for Jess and Nash.

Viki was so good today, and she is always is. I'd like to see Dr. Crosby become a fulltime character on thee show and I'd love to see him with Nora. I know that disappoints the Bo and Nora folks, and I would not be opposed to Bo and Nora. I just really like Dr. Crosby and Nora too.

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Great show yesterday!!!

Chris/Van- Oh my God, Chris was the man yesterday!!!! I loved eveything about him. I love the way that he slapped down every excuse that Van tried to give!! I think I just fell in love with Chris Vega!!! So hot!! Poor, pathetic Van (I am now going to refer to her as dumb b*tch (DB) because that is what she is)!!!

Blair- Yes Blair was back and she was singing!!! I love Blair!!!!!!!! Nash/Blair- they were fun to watch!

Jess/Miles- Well I think this whole story is stupid and Miles is an unecessary character!!

Todd/Vicki- Wow Todd actually had a conversation without crying!!! Color me shocked!!! I loved the way he admitted what he did in the beginning with Peggy's baby. Always love Todd and Vicki. Todd calling Van "I WON"T BE IGNORED VAN!!!!"- 14 missed calls- PATHETIC!!!

John/Marty- FF Get Susan back now!!

Nat/Michael- I love those two together. They have amazing chemistry. Angry Michael is hot!!!

***Gold Star to David F!!!! Wow he was hot yesterday. I think that he could fill Todd's shoes as town badboy just fine!!!!

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