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ATWT: The 100 Things We Love About It

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Okay I love my show, and have been just as guilty as anyone lately of being negative about it. SoapNet's promo for the 100 Things We Love About Soaps has inspired me to start this thread.

Hint: Anyone that wants to start one of these for their favorite show - go ahead. I would love to one to be going for all 9 shows right now.

Here's how we play. Each person will post 5 things they like about ATWT. The first person will number their 1-5. The 2nd person will pick up and number theirs 6-10, 3rd person 11-15 and so on.

If you have to you can repeat some that have already been said, but we will try not to do that often. Then we can look back on the 100 things we do love about it - despite there being some things we don't right now.

I'll start:

1) Maura West - ATWT keeps her on contract and she is one of my favorite actresses. Even when she is tied to a terrible storyline I love her.

2) That the show still has a sense of family that they do parade out every so often.

3) That they do remember from time to time they have such talented vets as Eileen Fulton, Don Hastings, Helen Wagner, and still let us enjoy them from time to time.

4) I enjoy that they have the most talented set of young actors on any show. They make the teen stories so much more enjoyable because they can act.

5) Jon Hensley - one of daytimes best and brightest and it doesn't hurt that he is so easy on the eyes either.

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I don't know if this is supposed to imply about the show now, or the show in general, but I guess I can fix them if needed:

9. The Hughes family. They're such a good family b/c they actually care about one another and aren't stabbing each other in the back all the time. Plus, there's 4 generations being represented on the show.

10. Kim and Bob. They're so cute together! :wub: Even w/o having a storyline, their presence on the show is really stong.

11. Tom and Margo. Another great couple who finally have a storyline of their own, and that it also involves their kids, Bob, Lisa, and the other Hughes family members (what a change!!)

12. That there's actually characters that we care about. Despite all the newbies and bad re-casts, there's still so many characters who I love on the show.


I second that, and will add that I love that they're actually showing Lucinda a lot more (b/c she's my fave! B))

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Great ones gang. I'll play again.

13) I like that they are actually giving the children some storylines. Even if there is too much SORASing, I would rather there be stories for the characters we love than a bunch of newbies.

14) Jeffrey Meek - he is no Hunt Block but I think he is making the character his own, and is a pretty good recast

15) Colleen Zenk Pinter - great actress who plays a wonderful character

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16. The FANTASTIC relationship between Barbara and Kim. Whenever these two have a moment I melt...

17. Jade Taylor. She's a b!tch and she ain't sorry!!!!

18. Emma Snyder. The heart and soul of that family.

19. Trent Dawson as Henry. The BEST comedic male character in Daytime in God Knows how long.

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24. Oakdale Memorial-Illinois premier hopital headed up by Dr.Bob


25.Marie Masters-Susan Stewart. One of the best characters on the show.Her rocky relationship with her daughter. Her long ago feud with Kim still bubbles up every now and then.

26.The sets.The elegant living room of Holden and Lily,the homey feel of Emma's kitchen. The Lakeview restaurant. The police station.

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I'm throwing my support for Jade. She's definitely more interesting than some of the other teens on the show. At first I wasn't crazy about her, but now she's one of my favorite characters.

27. Kind of going along with what oakdalelover said: Even though it involves this stupid psychic storyline, at least we have a lot of scenes at Memorial, which means more airtime for Bob and Susan. B)

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