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AMC: Tuesday

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LOL. She could be in a coma somewhere, I don't mean faking her own death - maybe somebody arranged something or the other. On DAYS Jack donated organs and was a ghost. And McTavish is sort of the female answer to JER.

It really irritates me that I can see AMC doing DAYS-like storylines without giving pause and saying "no way would they" these days.

I'm still going to have a little doubt until a few more spoiler weeks past, I can't help it - maybe it was my 7-8 years with DAYS and the 40 or so returns from the dead I got to experience. I'm not trusting.

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I am watching right now on SoapNet. Oh it is so sad.

On a lighter note did anyone notice that Jacob Young hasn't been shaving his chest. I thought I saw it in one scene and looked again - he actually has some chest hair. All the shirtless pics I ever see of him show a smooth chest. Love the hair on his chest peaking through the open shirt. (sorry drifted off into bi mode there for awhile)

I hate that Dixie is dead. It is so sad. As Andy said this is a big slap in the face of the fans, and one that is going to be so hard to get over.

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After watching today, I don't think I could hate Babe as much as I do right now. Ugh!! I can't believe that Dixie is gone. This is just too much for me to handle. I'm a fairly new viewer to AMC but over the last couple of months I've grown to love Dixie and TnD. Their chemistry was amazing and I hate that they didn't get a chance to reunite. It just isn't fair. Stupid MMT and TPTB. This is one of the ridiculous moves that they've could have done at this point. AMC is already a sinking ship and this isn't helping.

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^ And? Doesn't matter, that's my point. It was rewritten. Jack's organ's were donated, rewrite of no rewrite, he was dead, yet he came back. Dixie could too. Hell, Josh is alive, and he was de-SORAS'd too. MMT can and will do anything she damn well pleases.

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Well, I'm in love with how Dixie's death was executed (production wise) so I would personally be opposed to a "miracle" compromising that. Besides, isn't that what soaps should SHY away from? Don't they lose their credibility because of these miracles that could never happen? It's over kill in daytime.

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That was actually 2001. I think in late summer, right when Passanante left and Culliton took over. Yeah, I liked it OK. I just thought Gillian entering Opal's body was rather lame. They were ripping off Ghost. Remember when Patrick Swayze's character entered Whoopi's body and danced with Demi Moore? :lol:

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LMFAO, yet, you have no issue with Josh?

I despise Dixie, have for years, so a part of me is glad she's gone. But I know what this means for AMC, and for that reason, and that reason only (well the T&D fans, whom I have a great deal of respect for) are the only reasons that I'd be okay with her being ressurected.

Just because the death was well written, and try arguing that point with a T&D fan, LOL, doesn't mean that it was a good thing for AMC.

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I didn't like how Father Clarence basically gave Kate to Aunt Julia on the day Dixie died. I always liked Julia but I am really resenting her for getting the story that should have been Dixie's. It's like they didn't want to have to have two actresses in their mid-30's so they decided to dump one and give the other her story. I know some call it character growth, but Julia has basically been given Dixie and Annie's personality (more of bland Annie though) to be this perfect "Mom" out of the blue. Now they are going to probably have a Jamie/Julia/Tad triangle and I just have no desire to see Tad and Julia as a couple (only Tad and Annie would be more boring).

I was disappointed Dixie didn't see Father Clarence so she could kick his ass for telling her at Christmas that her journey wasn't over and for encouraging her to keep quiet about Krystal's baby for the greater good (BS!!) I was also hoping to see Tad kick his ass for making him feel that things were finally turning around in his life and he should have hope that happiness was around the corner. He deserves a serious butt kicking.

I cried just reading about the flashbacks, so I used many tissues when I actually watched the whole show. As far as how Dixie realized Kathy was Kate, I found it infuriating. What a complete letdown that she finds out after she is dead. I found it insulting to me as the one story I have wanted to see for 18 years was for Tad and Dixie to have a daughter together ... and they would both know who she was while they were living and breathing in this world. I'm beyond disappointed about this.

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Well today is a year to the day that AMC was ripped from my life, so I'm in a pissy mood. LOL But, while someday, something simliar and much later or earlier in the pregnancy could possibly happen, it can not happen now, nor in the forseeable future. So it is as much science fiction as anything that could bring Dixie back. She wasn't dead the first time, just presumed dead. So it's only a one time ressurection, just like the fetus.

And both decisions almost killed AMC, somehow they wheathered the Josh storm, mostly by whitewashing it, but I don't think they're going to make it through this one. And a part of me would love it. And the othe part of me, wants to save AMC with all I have.

But anyway, Dixie could be alive, if MMT want's her to be, then she will be, at some point.

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