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DAYS: Kola Boof blasts NBC Pres. Kevin Reilly

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I hate the idea of her going to GH though. I'd like to see if she could actually create some buzz for one of the shows that are really down in the ratings like OLTL, ATWT or GL. I'd love to see GL get some really controversial kick ass storylines and come back to life again.

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[s.W.S.N.B.N.] is an intelligent woman whom, I think, given free reign on a daytime soap, could really draw in a big audience. She sounds like she has fresh, topical ideas that really have "never been done on daytime before". ANY soap opera that could get her would be very lucky.

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Kenny, I'm right there with you on this. In what everyone sees a a dying genre, what we really need are more people like [!@#$%^&*]. 'Tis why the soaps took off in the late 70s through most of the 80s, because people like Boof were not afraid to speak their mind. They bring a reality to the front that just seems to be lacking in daytime overall. Boof has such a plethora of stuff in that *crazy* mind of hers, that TPTB are complete and utter TOOLS for not taking her more seriously. They are shooting themselves in the foot for overlooking people like her, and killing the genre in the process.

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Would the networks really want someone who'll tell it like it is? We all know they want puppet masters. IMO, the most outspoken writer on soaps right now (as in currently credited on the writing team) is Hogan Sheffer.

I agree with you Julia. I'm biased b/c GH is my favorite show and therefore I want it to always be great, but it would be nice to see AMC or OLTL or GL telling the socially relevant character driven storylines that they were once well known for.

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There was a time when Agnes Nixon and Harding Lemay were doing just what you described above--stories that had never been before.

I think she may be onto something when she says that soaps have to be updated to compete with cable. It's time for a new revolution in

soaps if they want to attract more than just the die hard soap fans.

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Weak writing kills soaps.

This woman, can you imagine her stories? Can you imagine her writing, her dialogue? The dialogue she put in characters mouths last summer on Days was unbeatable! Full of freshness, intensity... and she was only credited for a short time.

Not only would her stories be strong, they would respect history, she'd bring any show she wrote back to the core of what it always was and always should be -- family.

That's not what the networks seem to want nowadays, though. A real soap opera visionary, and they toss her out the window. Ugh!

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NO! Give that asshat David Kreizman the boot and have her work for GL. I will fight you for her. ;)

Just think, the most acclaimed soap right now--Days--is talked about because they of the well-written, CONSISTENT, traditional drama interspersed with a more comedic flare. Gee golly gee. Actually doing what the fans want? That's surely a novel concept.

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woop, woot, let's all have a big [s.W.S.N.B.N.] Party :):lol:, at this point, I just want her on ANY soap so that she can unleash herself on the masses....A trend was started once before in this genre and it paid off, but the time has come for CHANGE, and Boof, time and time again, shows that she has what it takes.

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