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DAYS: Kola Boof blasts NBC Pres. Kevin Reilly

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**See original Links to magazines below. :)



Syracuse Adams:

O.K., moving along…I was shocked when I heard that you actually ghost write for soap operas. I read something about you causing scandal at “Days of Our Lives”. How in the world do they match an eccentric foreign personality like yours into the white bread world of soap operas?


I’m not anything like the media portrays me, Syracuse—Stephen Wyman thought I was a very sweet person, not a “black militant”, and he was impressed by the power and imagination of my writing. Ken Corday complimented me on a bible I wrote for the show—I certainly did a lot more than write two episodes, but I’m no longer with “Days of Our Lives”, and to be perfectly honest with you, I’m really sort of angry right now because it’s the best soap on daytime and NBC is planning to cancel it.

Syracuse Adams:

Isn’t that the one with the hour glass? I remember that show all the way back when I was in preschool. [!@#$%^&*], did I touch a nerve—you look really upset.


Yeah I am, and let me just say something—Kevin Reilly needs to be strung up by his balls and lashed with extension chords if he really believes people don’t want to see soap operas. It’s these stupid executives and these ancient relics producing and writing who don’t realize that the soap format has to be updated to compete with cable and pop culture, it has to mutate into a hipper more accessible vehicle for the 21st century—the same quirky relevance that drives “Grey’s Anatomy” could be distilled to make daytime soaps competitive with cable. I mean honestly—how in the hell have they never done any stories about breast implants, pot smoking, feminist political sex—meaning young career women who think it’s perfectly fine to share a bed with two men at the same time, reverse racism against whites—that could be a compelling storyline with an intelligent black woman like me writing it, man-sharing or exploring for instance the dislike between white women and black women in society.

How about a black woman who doesn’t want her black son dating a dark skinned black girl? Why is real life not being utilized on the daytime soaps? You can’t compete with a hundred fifty cable channels and do the same predictable boring ass baby-switching storylines over and over again; you have to have very emotional love stories. You need innovative social ideas mixed in with traditional storytelling, and you have to use the veterans, the core family of a show to build a solid foundation from. How in the hell can I not bring back the Hortons or the Bauers? When I was a kid, I could give a damn about the teen soap characters—I wanted to see Mac and Rachel, Raven Swift, John and Marlena, the Hortons, Victor Newman. I thought the best shows were the ones with innovative chance-taking writers like Agnes Nixon, Harding Lemay and Douglass Marland.

The networks just don’t allow that kind of vision anymore, and then when they get someone who has a “vision” rather than a plot—someone such as myself who nobody can deny is passionate and can write—they fired me over some camel-crap. Bible belt Christians fear I may be hiding Osama Bin Laden’s love child and my name looks funny on the credits—why shouldn’t it? I’m a Flintstone, Ok?—oh, and the sponsors don’t like me. Then they hire me at another network to write in secret…ghost write us some ideas [!@#$%^&*]…but writing ideas is not real writing—it’s sending memos all day.

Syracuse Adams:

You’re like Toni Morrison. You’re really a soap fan, aren’t you?


I wish to God somebody would let me have six good months as head writer of “Guiding Light” or “One Life to Life”. Hell, I’d even work on “Passions”!—it’s time for soaps to kick cable’s ass, but the networks are run by people who lack imagination and are too financially comfortable and too normal. They’re out of touch; they only know how to ‘copy’and not create. They’re afraid to get a good controversy going which Rosie O’Donnell has proven is what brings ratings, they’re not hungry. Stephen Wyman is one of the few I’ve met who wants to be cutting edge. He fought for me, but his hands were tied—one good public scandal and I was kicked to the curb. Can you imagine that? A real life soap character turned away from writing a soap opera because she’s shocking, different and interesting to the press. MTV would have never let me go! I swear to God—if they cancel “Days of Our Lives”, I will never forgive Kevin Reilly. Never! …

Syracuse Adams:



You know, that’s the good thing about being a bestselling author and having an audience in other arenas, I get to say what I want and the network executives can’t hurt me. Let’s move on, though, before I piss off Steve and Ken, who I’m sure do not want me saying the things I’m saying about Kevin and won’t like reading this.



There's two versions of the interview from "Bahiyah Women's Magazine" so I posted links to both.

The second link is the "unedited" version.



"[s.W.S.N.B.N.] Is Our Marlene Dietrich" (Newsblaze):


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"I swear to God—if they cancel “Days of Our Lives”, I will never forgive Kevin Reilly. Never!"

"Kevin Reilly needs to be strung up by his balls and lashed with extension chords if he really believes people don’t want to see soap operas."

"Why is real life not being utilized on the daytime soaps? You can’t compete with a hundred fifty cable channels and do the same predictable boring ass baby-switching storylines over and over again; you have to have very emotional love stories. You need innovative social ideas mixed in with traditional storytelling, and you have to use the veterans, the core family of a show to build a solid foundation from. How in the hell can I not bring back the Hortons or the Bauers? When I was a kid, I could give a damn about the teen soap characters—I wanted to see Mac and Rachel, Raven Swift, John and Marlena, the Hortons, Victor Newman. I thought the best shows were the ones with innovative chance-taking writers like Agnes Nixon, Harding Lemay and Douglass Marland."

She is, perhaps, my new idol.

GO [!@#$%^&*]!!

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I think [!@#$%^&*] is quite beautiful, but maybe I'm biased because I flove what she had to say. Someone needs to hire that woman right now. I wish GL would they have nothing to lose.

Is it true that she's working for Y&R. I hate it that she has to hide in the shadows. It's ridiculous. GL should hire her, but get the word out about her real story first. I have to believe that a lot of woman would feel sympathy for her if they knew the whole story about her association with Osama.

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Loves it!!! GAWD this women needs to be head writer of a soap and NOW!! I don't care which one, but I'd start watching it if it was currently not on my list....

Best part of the whole damn thing! She really seems to get where a lot of us fans have been coming from for YEARS now!

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I didn't say she was unattractive. If I did, I'd a said so. There was a picture you posted of her months ago (she was wearing a red sweater) that was really nice.

Her enthusiasm for her soaps is scary as hell. Maybe it's because I'm not used to reading someone be that passionate about the genre. The current people in the industry are too comfortable and this woman would seriously kick ass if she got a writing position. It's ashame she's discriminated against. Maybe Jack Smith will add her onto his team when/if he takes over GH.

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