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AMC: Thursday

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Dunno what he did, but it sure wouldn't be a first. Just the first time someone outside of the horrible, nasty, vile, lying D&E fans saw it. Which is interesting, because I thought only we saw those kinds of things, because I was making it up. He's "man handled" her many times, people just don't like to see it. Just like he talks to her like a child. Scolds her like a bad little girl. Thinks she needs someone (him) to tell her what to do, because she can't handle it on her own. It's nothing new, people are just starting to see it now, because MMT is hacking J&E to bits for Jeff and Erica.

Oh, the Wonder Fetus will get it changed so that Tad pays for killing Greg. Mark my words. What the fetus wants, the fetus gets.

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Oh, totally. Jack's been man handling Erica for years. He's done it to her as well as to Greenlee countless times. Grabbing them and dragging them across rooms as well as in and out of rooms and spinning them around.

Erica and Jack are the equivalent to Kendall and Ryan. Two strong willed women who are constantly being scolded and belittled and grabbed and snarled at by two men who think they know best at all times.

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^ you're my hero! :D LOL, that's the reason I always agree with the assessment that Rendall are the next Jerica. And that, IMO, is not a compliment. Epseically now. People are going to start seeing more and more of what I've always seen in J&E, because MMT is working over time to hack them. Erica is not a child, and she doesn't deserve to be treated like one. That spark in her eyes is gone. :( Just like it was with Kendall, during Rendall. Aidan sparked her back to live, and Zach lit the flame. I want that for Erica.

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Ugh Kendall is acting like Erica more and more. To Ryan "You owe Zach and I an apology and when you decide to give us one, dont expect us to accept it" Um who said you were going to get an apology you self absorbed twit!

I dont read spoilers so I can only go based on what I see on the show but Ryan JUST found out this news. I think he's allowed some time to process it bc he's only known for less than an hour. I wouldnt expect him to run and tell Annie first time he saw her.

this must be an AMC thing bc to the best of my knowledge that only means they cant be tried. Tad isnt covered under the double jeopardy clause and should be able to be held legally accountable for his crime should evidence turn up

She sure acts like one though...lol
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Okay, just watched some of the episode.

(Basically) Every single f'in word Ryan told Kendall today could explain him in relation to Kendall (and her life) over 90% of the time, except his a** must be kissed (thanked, praised) for it almost instantly and his actions are seen as the right, noble thing when NO THEY AREN'T, it's Ryan being a controlling, interfering, minipulative a** who thinks his judgement is supreme [he's Erica without the charisma, if anybody is Erica].

I know how Lily feels now. I'm going to go count tiles or something.

The main thing I have against Kendall in this whole deal is that she's possessive of such an a**. That is some incredible stupidity. I could blame the writing also - the fact that they won't let Kendall be Ryan free because I guess they think Cameron/Ryan can't carry (frontburner) story away from her/her current boyfriends/husband. Oh I think I'd pay this show a small weekly pay check to help with their financial problems if they ever stopped that, lol.

Oh the man-handling, I would have attacked Ryan for that, but they had Zach do it as well (at least he was drugged). I personally watch soaps to escape things like men physically, emotionally, verbally abusing women (and it not being pointed out as wrong) - I guess ABC might not be the right network choice, heh. Yeah, Jack did/does pull on Erica and IMO he use to verbally tear her down like Ryan does Kendall, act all superior while f'in interfering in her life every chance he got...I don't think he does it nearly as much anymore (the superior stuff to that degree, Erica is being a moron right now), that's my opinion. I liked J/E the first time around...and it took me over 10 years to like them again after that.

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