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AMC: Tuesday

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Keyword there is LATELY before this we barely saw him with Spike and at Thanksgiving he said he forgot about Spike cause he was too wrapped up with Annie & Emma.

So I'd say Kendall's fears are justified completely, this is after all the man who abandoned his own siblings for over two decades.

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I really agree with this opinion. Whereas I thought the acting was quite good and I like how JC put so much honesty in his performance that it is hard for me to believe that Bianca would not believe Zoe because the actor brought that into his performance. I thought ER was great but they did not give her much to do today. I love it when the Kane women get slap happy.

What I did not enjoy were the soliloquies. I know there is a time and place for them. Tad on the witness stand ripping apart Dixie. Very powerful. Declarations of love like the one Zach did last New Years eve for Kendall can make woman swoon but AMC relies on it a bit too much that I find too often AMC characters are being talked at not really talked to. I don't know the BDW or SW enough to know if some of the writers are more guilty of it than others.

I'm still not very invested in Zarf/Zoe. They need to lose the Barf romantic angle and his Babe propping. I'd hate for him to be lost in the Babe hole of suck. Look at poor Josh since he got involved with Babe. Jamie is finally starting to come into his own post-Babe. Speaking of Babe and not to be rude but while that hair is very popular you need cheekbones to make it look good. It does not flatter her face.

I thought the Tad/Ryan scenes was ridiculous today and so ridiculous that I'm not even mad. It just was not believable to me except for the part when I'm sure Ryan will unilaterally take Spike away because that is in character for Ryan. It'll be in character for MMT to have Ryan be the hero and Kendall apologize to Ryan for daring to speak up when he takes Spike away from her.

Speaking of this whole Annie/Ryan/Emma/Kendall nightmare. I really don't care. At first I was angry that Kendall was being sacrificed in order to give Ryan and Annie some sort of conflict because they are as dull as dirt if Kendall is not involved some way. People are all saying that Kendall should butt out and let Annie and Ryan be happy but do you think AMC will let that happen? They are as boring as [!@#$%^&*] with Kendall in the mix and if Kendall is out (and I hope this comes soon) Ryan and Annie will be coma inducing. I've recently found that I'm more bored with Ryan than anything else. He's so one note. If he's always good and he's always the hero and he does no wrong then it's inevitably always someone else i.e. Kendall or Zach or whomever who is wrong and evil while Ryan is good. It's boring and tiresome and Cameron Mathison is not an engaging enough actor to keep me interested. I also find I'm not too invested in a child that is Ryan and Annie's. There is a reason MMT makes her newbie pets (Babe, Ryan, KWAK) spawn with core characters. I also hated Ryan manhandling Kendall again. It just reminds me of his abusive past that no one is allowed to talk about on the show. If Ryan, Annie and Emma left the show tomorrow to start a new life I don't think much of viewing audience would really care. Emma might be missed because she is such an adorable child.

I'm looking forward to Zach and Kendall tomorrow. I'm cautiously optimistic about Zach's backstory. It's not really great but it could have been so much worse and it's been OK so far in the hands of McT. I figured the woman would be his mother but so far so good. I like the little things. Zach telling Tad he doesn't confide in people and then phoning Kendall. Kendall immediately realizing that something was wrong with Zach and leaving right away and I think at that time if Josh said that he would go tell Ryan the truth about Emma she still would have left. Kendall's focus changed immediately. Zach kissing Kendall as soon as she got to the house was surprising since I've never seen Zach being so needy for Kendall. Kendall asking him to share what he's going through and him actually doing it. Finally something new for Zen. A couple actually having some growth? In McT's world? I'm shocked.


I didn't realize that Kendall was stopping Ryan and Annie from being together. I mean how dare Kendall have a say in Ryan's life. It's not like Ryan ever said a word to her about Zach. I mean that time he marched to the island that Kendall and Zach were at and told her Zach was messing with her head and could not possibly be interested in her and all Zach wanted was revenge. Maybe because according to Ryan Kendall is unloveable. Or how about that time she told him to drop his blackout revelation but Ryan had to let her know and destroy her life because it would be what is good for Kendall. Yep, that Ryan, such a prince. He certainly was perfectly OK from day 1 about Zach's place in Kendall's life. But then this is Ryan and he thinks that a man will choke Kendall to death to shut her up and stop the crazy. Wait a second did I just say earlier post abput how Ryan bored me? Thanks Skin, my Ryan hate is back in full force. I did wonder where it went. I don't see Kendall pulling the [!@#$%^&*] on Ryan and Annie that Ryan pulled on her and Zach.

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Zoe's scenes with Bianca were powerful and while I do have my issues regarding Bianca being a love interest for Zoe, the story so far in my eyes has been handled OK and Jeffrey's portryal is a big reason for that. He played Zoe with such strength today. I loved it. It was excellent writing. Zach and Kendall, who knew they'd actually be written properly for a change? Zach's backstory is amazing, it perfectly fits in with Zach's character and explains his reasons for feeling the need to save women all the time. kendall knew something was wrong right away and I loved it. I also agree with what was said about Zach NEEDING Kendall. Its usually the other way around. I love how Zach is the centre of this story and together with Kendall they will beat it.

Kendall has every right to be worried regarding Ryan/Emma. Like someone said, he left his siblings... whose to say he won't gradually leave Spike. Emma and Annie are way to convienent not to pass up. Kendall is right to be worried and I hope she doesn't tell him.

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Uh-oh... Mixed reviews. I missed Friday's episode since I didn't tape it, so I will be picking up today. I'm about to go up and watch my tape, but wanted to see what the vibe was from you guys.

Red Flags

Tad's a Self-Righteous Hypocritical Martin again.

Tedious dialogue.


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OMG, is he STILL doing that? Between Ryan and Jack, I get sick and tired of watching them grab women and manhandling them. That's one thing I can say about Zach (and I believe it's probably thanks to Thorsten) that I absolutely LOVE about him. He makes an effort not to grab and manhandle women. He will touch them or gesture, but he doesn't grab them. I HATE that about this show. It's a little thing but a BIG thing.

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The Zen stuff is the best thing on the show right now, imo. I like them but am not invested in them enough to care if they stay together, but I am enjoying them very much. Nice change in having them come together.

She's not only pandemic but creates dormant infections that affect characters forever. Even if AMC gets away from McTravesty surviving, it is permanently scarred by her legacy and she's hellbent on having just that, imo.

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Damn, Ryan's been on the show for eight years now and people still call him a newbie? I know he's definitely not a vet, but he's sure not a newbie anymore either...

Anyway, I liked the Binks and Zoe stuff. I'm a little disappointed that old girl didn't unleash the patented Bianca Montgomery Stare of "Get the [!@#$%^&*]!" but that fake slap was satisfactory. I love it when Bianca gets [!@#$%^&*]y because it's the ONLY time she gets the nerve to stand up to people. I can imagine Zach bringing his smug ass over to Fusion or something and Bianca immediately STFUing him to death upon first sight...ah, I can dream can't I?

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I love this part, jenna! I've said it before, you're one of the best! It helps GREATLY that I share a lot of the same opinions you have, lol! But anyway...

I do have to say it doesn't surprise me (I can't watch yet because Mother has the tape), because Thorsten has always played his part in Zendall as if Kendall's the pep in his step. He knows that this woman is wild, strong, impetuous, fiery, fiercely protective of the ones she loves and he has not tried to tame her one little bit. So I can't really say I'm surprised that when he becomes weary of carrying this load, that he would relinquish his need to be strong and open up to Kendall because he knows she's strong enough to help him. That's my belief in this couple. I knew that if given a chance, these two characters would be phenomenal together because they make a great partnership. Dixie and Madden and Ryan just needed to get out of the way creating useless and uncalled for obstacles, because these two characters in and of themselves are the story. Little bits of business like whenever Zach sees Kendall and vice versa, they give each other lingering hugs. Or like a couple of weeks ago, she came over to the house and Zach forgot about his visions for that brief moment and smiled and hugged her, saying "you look nice!" It's real, believable and none of that forced Schmoopie Schmoopie sh!t that Rylee had to endure in sad and pathetic attempts to cover up the flat, lackluster quality of that forced couple.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that Zach opened up to Kendall.

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The Zach and Kendall growth as a couple is awesome. I love how Kendall sensed something was wrong with Zach and how Zach opened up to Kendall. Zach was there for Kendall and now it's Kendall's turn to be there for Zach. I just so love Zach and Kendall...really think Thorsten and Alicia have amazing chemistry. :)

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