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UFO sighted over O'Hare Airport last fall; FAA not investigating


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I'll sound like a crazy ho, I know. But I absolutely believe in UFO's. I won't even begin to tell the story of why.

On that same note, I don't believe that aliens are some crazy green monster looking things, either, LoL. They probably look just like us with a few modifications.

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I somewhat agree with your post. I believe there is other intellegent life in the universe, and I think they do probably look more like us then we realize, but I'm not totally convinced on the whole UFO thing. I think it is certainly possible, however, and that the USA Government knows a lot more about them then they are saying. There is no telling what kind of information the Government is hiding from us these days.

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Well, I don't tell this story often, because people tend to think I'm crazy when I tell it, LoL. But I swear to you, with every bit of truth I have (unless I really AM crazy) that this happened.

Anyway, I was staying at my grandma's house. I was thirteen or fourteen, and my grandma lives in this small town in the middle of the country... think "Mayberry," LoL Anyway, it was the middle of the night and I was asleep on the couch. The phone rang, waking me up, and it was my aunt on the phone. As my grandma talked to her on the phone, I was sort of half awake/half asleep listening to my grandma yap her loud mouth while I was trying to sleep when I heard her suddenly go a little bit crazy. I raised up to find out what the hell was wrong, and I just saw her looking out the window. I turned around and looked out the window from the couch and I sh!t you not, there was a UFO, LoL. It was right across the road, hovering over the backyard of the house next door. It wasn't even that high in the air! I'd say, maybe 8 or 9 stories up? It didn't make any noise, it wasn't bright, it just hovered there. Me and my grandma were totally amazed and couldn't say a word while we were looking at it. My grandma was still on the phone with her sister and couldn't say a word, though I heard my aunt on the other side shouting, "What?!" I don't even remember how long it was there... couldn't have been more than a minute or so, and then it shot off out of sight in about .2 seconds. Literally, like the snap of a finger. When something takes off that fast, you'd imagine a loud noise, or at least a streak of smoke behind it, something... but there was nothing. It took off just as silently as it was as it was hovering there, and when it took off that fast I literally screamed, LoL. It scared the holy hoo-ha out of me!

My grandma and I spent the rest of the night awake on the phone telling everyone what we saw and to this day, nobody believes us. Oh well. At least I know I'm not crazy.

As for what they look like, I don't know. They're probably living right here among us, some of them, teaching us things about technology, etc. without us ever realizing who or what they are. And they couldn't do that if they looked like E.T.

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I believe you....there was an incident that happened near a town a few miles down the road from the town I live in here in Kentucky back about 15 or so years ago where someone saw a UFO. It made it to tv news in nearby Louisville, and made it sound like people around here were crazy.

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Here is more on the story I talked about in my response to the previous post....

I live in Clarkson, KY (the 'nearby town' mentioned in about the middle of the article)...the city limits of Leitchfield (where the incident happened) and the city limits of Clarkson, touch each along one of the major highways going through the area. That's how close I am to where some of this stuff happened.

From: http://www.angelfire.com/ky/ufohome/bbfile8.html

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Well, here's my incident. One night I an my roommate along with a bunch of other students in cars behind us were returning from partying at a club along a dirt word. Let me preface this by saying I dont drink Alcohol. :lol: It was around 4 am and the sky was overcast with clouds. Well, all of a sudden, it turned as bright as daylight. I slammed on the brakes and so did the 15 cars behind me because we looked up and we just saw this extreme light in the sky. It was unreal, it was an orb just in the sky, it was bright like the sun, except it was disk shaped. The daylight lasted for 15 seconds and then the orb, it disappeared further up into the sky and it turned back night. Now, people could chalk that up to all 20 of us being nuts, EXCEPT.......

It was seen in 4 different states. :mellow: The news talked about it all day.

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I totally believe in them as well. I don't know *how* we could be the only planet with inhabited life.

Back in college one night, I was driving from a boyfriends house and saw something round, just hovering over a big lake that I was passing on my way home. I slowed down and just watched and watched til it suddenly just zoomed off. It was amazing! My aunt and cousin, who are the most sane, logical people I know, also saw something just hovering above the water as it was slowly going down the river near my uncles cabin.....during the DAY, a couple of summers ago. They just sat there watching in awe, unable to move, until it took off. Neither could believe what they had just seen.

I find UFO stories so interesting, and the fact that goverment won't confirm sitings even more interesting. :)

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That's how my experience was. I was just so amazed and floored and in awe that I couldn't move or speak until after it was gone. Same with my grandma, who left her sister on the phone just shouting, "What?! What?!"

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I believe in UFO's and little green men. So many people around the world have claimed to see them, and claimed to have been abducted by aliens whose descriptions pretty much match. It can't be a coincidence.

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