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Lost: Discussion Thread

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It's been good all season. :)

So happy Jin found Sawyer and the gang. Hopefully they'll find the rest of the island people soon.

Charlotte's dead....eh, no biggie. LOL

I can't wait to see how they get back to the island and of course the reunion of Jin/Sun - that's going to be so good.

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Lol, I've never really liked her so I don't really care. I'd be surprised if we don't find out some more stuff about her, though.

And I'm disappointed to see the ratings falling off so much. Good thing ABC and the show were both planning for it to end next year.

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I didn't really care for charlotte, but I do want to know who her parents were. Okay, I have a very creepy but interesting theory, what if desmond is ben's son? Did anyone find it odd that desmond/ben were featured on the little lost -short during greys anatomy/private practice two-hour event?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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The last episode was so good! So it was Ben who killed Locke by strangling him. :o I also wonder how he got all that blood on him in the other episode, who else did he kill?

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Juliet and Sawyer fell in love! :o And what perfect timing too, just as Jin finds Jack/Kate/Hurley. I'm not that big of a Kate/Sawyer fan but I did like the ending. It was so soapy.

I think my favorite scene from 5.8 was the Horace/Sawyer scene where they talked about how long does it take for one to get over someone. The background music during this scene was so good.

It was cool seeing the Four Toed Statue again, although it was from a distance and we only saw the back of it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Great episode last night!! Loved the ending with John and Ben: "Welcome back to the land of the living." Ben looked like he was going to shit in his pants. LOL

Hurley and Miles talking about time travel and Back To The Future was hilarious! I'm still confused even with them trying to explain it. LOL

Bravo to Kate for telling the truth about Aaron/Claire to Claire's mother - that was the best scene of the night along with Kate saying goodbye to Aaron (and having that specific background music was a perfect touch....I think it was the Oceanic 6 theme).

And for the love of God, ABC, move Lost away from American Idol! Ratings are sinking lower and lower.

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