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AMC: Marcus Patrick Out As Jamal

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I never noticed any accent.

He was never cast as Jamal. They added that in later when they realized they had a black actor who was the age Jamal would have been. He asked to leave and I really think its bc he's been wasted and not doing much as an actor over there. I dont think they will recast at all bc they never wanted Jamal. Its evident by the lack of airtime he gets and lack of direction. The character is just there and doesnt make any impact at all. Unless they have a concrete story in mind which they plan on doing with him, I say just phase him out instead of hiring another actor in the role just to fill the black quota. The show is already full of dead weight

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Jamal DID serve a purpose...Token Black Male, every ABCD soap needs one. :)

Marcus Patrick is smart to leave, I guess he realized that he was just a face for them.

As for Dani ever getting a story, I seriously doubt it. The only contemporary she had disappeared off the canvas, they haven't brought on one friend for her and despite what they TRY to show...she is much younger than Simone and Erin. The first step would be to get her at least one friend her age...geez.

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The question moreso is...why didn't they keep Reggie AND recast Jamal?

Didn't the same thing happen with the travesty that was Frankie Hubbard...out with Frankie (blah, blah Jason Olive couldn't act...blah, blah, blah...Frankie's storyline sucked...blah, blah...the writers could have fixed that), in with Reggie...one at a time please...don't want the show looking like Generations.

Oh ABCD kills me.

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Jason Olive's acting DID suck! And the storyline DID suck! All my opinion, at least, but I always assumed that that was the general consensus as far as Jason Olive/Frankie was concerned.

I'm glad Marcus Patrick left. I would have preferred Melissa Claire Egan or Taylor Gildersleeve leaving first since their characters have no real ties to any other characters (okay, Sydney is Winifred's niece, but Winifred isn't a regular character). I would love for another actor to step in and be Jamal.

I really had no problem with Jamal, I just had a problem with the fact that there was no point to the character that Marcus Patrick was playing. If he was really intended to be Jamal all the way, we would have known that without reading the casting announcements. That's why I don't have a problem with Sean or Colby - it's only natural for them to become major characters somewhere down the line. Sean, Colby, Lily, and a recast Petey, or maybe even a returned Sam could be a great teen set, IMO. I'm sick of Reggie and Danielle still being called teens. That makes no sense. Time for them to be considered collegians and for them to start getting some somewhat adult storylines.

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