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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Well exactly. I do believe GH is his #1 priority but I find it hard to believe ABC is only interested in a daytime line up of one soap. So I assume Megan wanted to bring Janet back. I wonder why Frons shot it down this time and not last year. Kate Collins was front burner for like 5 months. Frons must have been on a long vacation :lol:

It sucks because we never did get full closure on the Janet storyline :(

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Read her first interview in response to the fan blacklash to Josh. She is evil. Sick. Twisted. Dark. And maybe a tad disturbed. Or if that doesn't do it, read her latest interview where she's almost orgasmic about the fact that she had no idea who killed Greg until she pulled Tad as the killer out of her a*s.

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OMG! Kylie, thank you so much! That cements the fact for everyone who ever believed that Megan McTavish makes this crap up as she goes along in these "murder mysteries."

I couldn't do that. I haven't written a mystery per se, but I've written stories where a character has a deeper motive than the one others on the canvas and readers alike can see. But I've known it before I wrote the first word of it. It's just common sense. You can avoid problems altogether when you, as a writer, have your own road map to follow.

But noooo... here she is, steering the ship, and she, too, doesn't know where the hell she's taking us.

Scary -- and kind of indicative of her writing for the show in general. "This sounds like a good idea! Let's go for it!" Then, BANG BOOM POW! We have excitement for five days, and then left with, "Um... well, now that that's over... what do we do now? :unsure: "

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LOL, you're welcome, and ya, AMC....doomed! The Josh stuff is still better IMO, she pretty much tells us to shut up and deal with Josh. I know where that article is, but I can't post until I get home. LMAO but we can kinda tell she's a crazy [!@#$%^&*].

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What bothers me is that there are still some unanswered questions about where everyone went that night like why JR & Jamie were covered in dirt or where Julia went (or David, or anybody else besides Tad for that matter). Only a hack wouldn't have explained exactly what happened to everyone that night by now.

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The impression I got was that early on Frons was eying Koola Boof but she accepted a job from Steve Wymen at DOOL instead. Then SOMEONE spearheaded a smear campaign that attacked Koola's past and now she couldn't go to AMC/Disney if she wanted to. It's a pity for AMC too because I believe her bible was quite intriguing.

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Just to add a ray of sunshine to everyone's weekend: Preliminary plotting began last week for February sweeps 2007. So it seems Megan will last at least that long. Although, as always, things change.

I'm still curious as to whether something may happen in the next week or two because IF Megan's contract is on 13 or 26 week cycles, one is ending now. However, as I've said before, some people in the know say there are no cyles and she is legally entrenched until April.

Just a sidenote though: Throughout the summer there was much criticism of AMC by the soap press for only telling stories about babies, DNA, fetuses etc. I believe SOD or SOW begged "someone to tell Megan McTavish to stop with the baby stories" or something to that effect.

Well look at the show right now folks. Almost every single story revolves around those issues. If that isn't a big middle finger and an "I'm not going anywhere" by Megan to the fans and soap critics I don't know what is.

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I was just thinking about this the other day.

I do think AMC viewers were baby story saturated after the baby switch but what does McTavish do? She has three grown woman running around for Ryan's "sample", then Greenlee is inseminated, she miscarries, then Kendall becomes a surrogate mom and there's the stupid switch up that is supposed to make me believe that after the hell Kendall went through learning her mom gave her away was going to turn around and hand her baby to Greenlee. So Kendall get's pregnant and at the same time we have fertility doctor Madden and his aborted fetus Josh Madden. More DNA tests. The Kate/Emma stuff starts while Kendall is in a coma and Spike is born. Spike now has had 2 DNA tests and I still think that story is not over. We have Krystal pregnant, another DNA test. 400 DNA tests coming up and I couldn't care less about the results of any of them. Way to go McTavish.

LookingGlass at this point I just hope that we hear something in October, I know I shouldn't hope but I have to or I will just give up on this show all together.

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