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Posts posted by Roman

  1. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    Well since we are now sending back legally bound undocumented workers(not the criminals Trump promised) who are here taking the jobs of those poor rust belters, I hope they are all ready to pick up and move to California for those high paying nanny, landscaping, and farm jobs that barely pay minimum wage.

    You know Jane....ask the Trump supporters who have suddenly grown quiet in the last 3 weeks. that's what happens when people actually believe BS without the benefit of intellect and rational thinking.

  2. 53 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Thank you for your words @Juliajms and @marceline


    I've already spoken to my Mom this morning and she told me she had an anxiety dream. It appears that there are quite a few undocumented people (some of them have worshipped with her for 20 years) who attend her Church and she asked me if I thought that they would raid the Churches. 

    I told her that I don't think that even Trump would go that far as some religious groups are some of the only people who aren't currently fleeing his base. If his administration allowed something like this, the blowback would be something that he would not be able to handle.


    I also urged her to talk to her Pastor about her concerns, not only can he counsel her and alleviate her anxiety over the issue but perhaps it might be a reminder that their church needs to have an action plan in place to help feel the congregation/members feel safe. I told her that perhaps her Pastor ought to talk to the Mayor and find out where he stands.


    My Mother has always emphasized that she would never come to the U.S. illegally as she feels it would not be worth it to have to live in the shadows, with the threat of expulsion hanging over her head but she feels an enormous sense of compassion for those who do have this threat hanging over their head, especially the ones who have been here for decades, working, paying taxes, supporting families in their household and in their countries of origin. When she's needed someone to do some landscaping, fix a leaky pipe, install a lock or flooring on a budget, it has been these people at her church who were first to answer the call, some even agreeing to payment in installments or deferred payment.

    I have met many of them over the years and it does feel sad, now that I really think about them.


    I'm sure this is what Trump voters want but like the travel ban, I think the consequences could be disastrous. 


    On the positive side, tourism to the U.S. is already down and other countries (like those in the Caribbean) are beginning to see benefit.  

    Hello economy!

    I pray everything works out now. 

  3. 2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    My brother a so called republican(although he hasn't voted that way in 16 years) voted for Kander and was actually excited about him. Kander is exactly IMO the kind of leadership the democrats need now. Fresh, young, and his campaign seemed more pseudo grass roots - he actually seemed to go out and talk to people from both sides. He's also not afraid to speak truths democrats from both sides(establishment and far left) don't want to hear. I am actually proud to see him  championing a group that is focused on voter suppression. I do hope he runs for political office again. When is the next Governors race in Missouri?

    Unfortunately in 4years......because the republican governor just signed a bill making Mo. a right to work state. he probably won;t run for re-election after he tanks the state. and Kander was just like that....which is why it depressed many of us when he lost. 

    16 minutes ago, GregNYC said:

     I agree 100%. Bashing Trump does NOT work and will NOT work. The Dems need to give reasons why people should vote for them. Yet they continue to bash Trump and not give reasons to vote FOR them.

    true...even though there are MANY MANY reasons why trump won the EC. Dems hopefully will learn. if not it'll be a repeat of last Nov. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, marceline said:


    I disagree. Identity politics is why the GOP won. I agree that the Dems screwed up royally during the midterms. I was so furious by the timidity that I stopped donating but let's not pretend that Trump's win wasn't about identity politics. It just that the identity of his voters is considerd the default in America.


    Hillary got 3 million more votes so clearly something about the message resonated. This wasn't a close election like Bush v. Gore. Trump lost the popular vote decisively even with help from the Russians and Comey and only the EC saved him. He won by 70,000 votes in the right states. Think about that. Trump's margin of win wouldn't even fill the Rose Bowl.


    There's a saying that "the left falls in love while the right falls in line." One big problem on the left is that our voters need to be inspired to vote instead of realizing that voting is the maintenance we perform on a democracy. Where we're at now is basically the result of people who didn't bother to change the batteries in the smoke alarm and now they're sitting here watching the house burn down and screaming at the rest of us to put the flames out with a garden hose. 

    I see all your points, dear...and LOVE your analogy. You Nailed that. That chaps my backside......those who don't vote complain the most. 

  5. the identity politics didn't work this time around. the economy is what voters really want details about. they feel they everything comes from that. we'll see....but I am no longer holding my breath at what the Democrats do. right now, I honestly don't think they're listening...and some still think that all they have to do is give the people someone to vote against instead of giving us someone to vote FOR. Obama understood this...which is why he had two terms. NOW....he sure didn't always do his best, and had some nice F ups there (like any POTUS has over 8 years), but he understood bottom line politics. Dems didn't even want him campaigning for them....and they lost the House 4 years ago. and because of Wasserman Schultz, Brazille and many others feeling as though the Democratic elite stool the nom. from BS (which, even though I do dig him, had nothing concrete to grasp onto IMPO) and took it out on the party. We'll see what they'll do here coming up. 

  6. CNN just talked about how states nationwide have filed lawsuits against the Trump Admin. he's gotten himself in so much garbage when is going to get to the task of bringing back jobs? and I have NO sympathy for anyone who believed his lies and slander and voted for him anyway or didn't vote. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Good, I'm glad! 

    Trump administration is rushing out a bunch of executive orders steeped in goobledy-gook and causing chaos. Part of me thinks this is to try to quickly check-off a list of items just so they can claim to be active and also claim to fulfill their campaign promises.

    The other part of me thinks they are performing some type of  sleight of hand while his blossoming kleptocracy springs into action robbing public coffers (e.g. severely weakening Dodd-Frank).


    In the meantime, hopefully, Trump and his cabal will be tasting bitter defeat after bitter defeat.

    And they haven't sent one piece of legislation to congress yet. this is what he deserves. it's also a rebuke of Bannon as well....who Believe steered him to do this. 

  8. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I can't say how reliable this is but I just read that someone filed a complaint against Conjob, er, Conway to the Office of the Inspector General regarding her comments schilling Ivanka's products.

    Appeals court has ruled AGAINST reinstating Travel ban.

  9. 13 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I can't say how reliable this is but I just read that someone filed a complaint against Conjob, er, Conway to the Office of the Inspector General regarding her comments schilling Ivanka's products.

    It's what she gets. she runs off at her mouth and lies so much she doesn't know when to STFU. 

  10. being reported on CNN....apparently, Kellyanne The Cryptkeeper has been "consuled" after her remarks this morning about people shopping online to buy Ivanka's merch......meaning IMPO she got CUSSED THE HELL OUT for running off at her big mouth. 

  11. 18 hours ago, marceline said:

    Is it possible that Trump has lost Kanye? 



    Could mean for once in his life he realized he fucked up royally backing this man. 

    13 hours ago, Vee said:

    CBS: “President Trump told a U.S. military audience that there have been terrorist attacks that no one knows about because the media chooses not to report them. It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality.”


    On CNN, Dana Bash was openly disgusted with Trump and said "just do your job."

    The same DB who propped this clown up and defended most of his BS? that DB?

  12. 2 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    What if he's right though?  You know they covered up the Bowling Green Massacre and we would never have known about it if not for Kellyanne Conway.

    well there was the incident at the World Tiddledywinks Championships and Wine Tasting Event last month that resulted in the loss of 7 cases of vintage 2014 Miller Draft Wine you know.....the MSM seems to have covered that up as well. 

  13. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:


    This is something many on the extreme left have often said. It makes me wonder if it's one of the things that may finally make some Republican scaredy-cats wake up.

    what do you think those are the extreme right are saying?

  14. 42 minutes ago, GMac said:

    So, our default is CBS.  I know they have their faults but we like our local news on that channel, and tend to leave it there for Scott Pelley.  I can tolerate their evening news a helluva lot more than Charlie/Gayle/Nora in the morning.


    This week I have noticed a change in the way they are covering the Trump administration.  Tonight, Major Garrett reported on and called out the latest: Bowling Green, Turnbull and ... well damn.  Anyway, they are at least calling them out on the lies.  Now, if they can actually be journalists and report on EVERYTHING that this charlatan racist [!@#$%^&*] is up to...






    He has got to be so so soooo pissed right now



    You know he is. for the first time in his life, people are stopping him from doing anything he wants. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Wales2004 said:

    Trump is pathological and generally ignorant.  I have never understood why people give him so much credit for being such a great businessman when he was born into wealth and has used the system to bail him out of bad deals he's made. 


    His ignorance is on full display everyday now.


    The greatest compliment he seems to be getting are from reporters/analysts fishing for something positive to say by constantly repeating how he's doing what he said he was going to do and no politician has ever kept their promises.  But is he really doing what he said he was going to do?  Is is he building on quicksand since these rushed through actions might not stand up to legal challenges?


    All of his boasting has taken away his option of being able to fall back on goodwill if anything major happens.  He's made it much easier for other nations to be encouraged to unite against the U.S. by his tyrannical nature. 


    I believe he's the biggest test of the legislative to come along in some time.


    He's threatening Berkley's funds because of the protest against his supporter Milo Yiannopoulis and California is not the state for him to go after. 

    That's all he's going to do each day he's in office...go after anyone or any entity that doesn't like him or calls him out for what he truly is. 

  16. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I'd love to know who the WH leak is. Whoever it is seems to be the equivalent of a 70-year old man with an enlarged prostate.

    I'm SO GLAD we have WH leaks. The American People deserve to know how this shitshow is being run. for the good of our nation. I hope he/she/them all leak what the POS had for breakfast every day until he leaves office. 

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